Happy Holidays

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Pierre Voisine

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2000
Reaction score
Hi Folks, just a quick note to wish all of you the happiest of the season.

It's been a good year, I've been busier than ever, especially with the new job, but I still find time to post and visit as often as I can. I'm happy to see the banished are back, and the site is back to normal...whatever normal is!

Merry Christmas,

Pierre Voisine
As my Christmas present to you, Pierre, please allow me to present you with the sum of all the knowledge I have managed to acquire through years of intense therapy.....

"Normal" is a setting on a washing machine!

Merry Christmas, Pierre!

Have a happy one up there to you too!

(Now I got that Bob and Doug Mackenzie Christmas song stuck in my head! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!)

Merry Christmas Canada!!
Joy, Aye!! Get your hiney across the border and party with us!! Since there is no hockey this year,...we might as well meet at BigBuck and drown our sorrows!!

Pierre - Beer Eh!!! WOO HOO!!!

Merry Christmas to you frozen Canuks!!! I've got a kid from Calgary working for me, he's leaving on Friday for a week back home, BRRRRR
Hi ya Pierre...Send Molson XXX we can't get It here In no mans land.....Have a safe and Merry Holiday...Jr