Happy Black Friday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Just sitting here waiting for Carlos and Mike to show up so we can hit the hot side this morning. Weather is a bit nippy at 39 degrees but supposed to warm up to 46 (a real heat wave).

Weather for the Not-So-Memorial is lookin' real good with partly sunny skies and a high of 63. Not bad for the 1st of December.

Will post later and let you know how we did. Jim C is meeting us at the docks in his boat so we should be able to hit most of the hot spots.

Hope everyone had a great turkey day and enjoying the family during the long weekend. See ya soon! :p
Bill, Carlos, Mike and Jim you guys enjoy the day and someone take a picture of what a bass boat and fish look like and post it for me will ya!!

have a good time and stay warm.

being its so windy, im suprised toxic's not going, he loves fishing when its windy.:D

mike c
Went to Bass Pro Shops in Hampton today, forgetting it was Black Friday. Just wanted a couple boxes of shotgun shells.

Shopping time = 3 minutes

Checkout time = approx 30 minutes.

Rediculous. The sales weren't even that great.

All the best,

Well... went with my wife early this AM... Spent around $400 for "stuff" for Christmas worth about $1100... worth the hassle. Everything we bought was on somebody's list...

Oh OH Greg, whatdjagetme?? huh?? a couple of nice rod/reel combos? A 100mph suit for next winter?? You need my Shanghai address to ship it to???

Man this is the FIRST Black Friday since my kids were born I wasen't either A) fishing or B) shopping! I was working!!
Why they call it black Friday? it should be Green Friday everbody spends money.
Weather for the Not-So-Memorial is lookin' real good with partly sunny skies and a high of 63. Not bad for the 1st of December.

I don't know where you got your weather report Bill but I sure hope you're right.:unsure:

I'm not suffering the cold weather very well but I figure with my electric blanket, electric socks and gloves, long johns, 100 MPH suit, a balaclava, a Russian cold weather fur cap and to top it off, my wood stove and things should remain pretty balmy, shouldn't they?:wacko:

Uncle Billy
They call it "black Friday" because the retailers will be "in the black ink" (profitable)...

Thanks! Sorry we missed you heading out!

Fishing was pretty good! Caught a few right off in teh AM, slowed down and then picked back up in the afternoon. Was off the water 1430 or so..Mike wanted to sit in the woods yesterday afternoon!

Water was 65 to 69 c;ear and low.

Was fun, and again, thanks Bill for the hookup man, it really is appreciated!


where did you fish for topwater, which direction did you go. down lake or in the dike 1 &2 area? and what was the pattern for the day?

mike c
Sorry I missed you guys too!! I was out late (around 8:30am) and got about five total. Three off of dike 1 (water temp 75F) using a crankbait. Small guys - here's two of them.


Headed over to canal 2 and didn't get anything until I exited out. Snagged the biggest of the day (the one on my right) just out of the canal underneath a dock using a senko. He ran just under 3 pounds. The next biggest one came on a white spinner fished further up towards dike 3. Temps down lake were cooler at about 67F and 65F.


I couldn't take the cold after a few hours so I pulled out a 1pm. Don't worry, despite Carter wanting to have bass nuggets for dinner, we let all of them go at the dock.

And Bill - I promise I'll be at the docks on time for Saturday (12/1). I just couldn't get outta bed yesterday morning!! :lol:

Thanks for the boiled bass outing! A little break from deer hunting is OK.

Due to the water temps being just right for some bank fish (66-69), I started with a Pop R and caught them in almost every cove we went in that had 7' of water withing casting distance of the bank. You had to put it right next to the shoreline or they wouldn't hit it. The fish were in less than 2' of water and would hit it on the 1st pop and sometimes chase it out to 10' from the bank hitting it. I had 5 in a hurry, but they were small. Carlos tied one on and started whacking them too.

I even threw some plastic on a Shakey Head just to make sure I could still do it!!:lol: Carlos was pitching a drop shot and we were both catching them! Lot's of fish and they look just like the ones Jim has pictured.

Hog hunting and red fishing in SC all next week.
Looking good Jim. The amazing thing about the hot side to me is that the fish there are where they are supposed to be!! I think it is because they are not pressured as much. You can't do that on the cold side....sure, generally speaking they will be in the same pattern that the season dictates but there is a lot more of the "spot on a spot" type of thing on the cold side. Can't wait till the 1st!! Although I need a break, I have been on the water a lot. :lol:
