Happy Birthday, Hutch!!

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
Damn..... 50 is OLD.....

Maybe I should have put this in "Off Topic".....

Happy Birthday!

Thanks everyone but whoa, it's not 'til Saturday! I don't even have my cane picked out yet. My bro-in-law was real sensitive about turning 50 and when they threw a surprise party for him he blew his top. He got drunk at a tavern while we had a party at his house without him! I figure 50 is better than the alternative. Thanks, Hutch
Better go over to G&B and change it.....

I thought Carlos was the only one who couldn't get his own birthday right!
Happy Birthday, Hutch!

I remember the good ol' days when I was 50.

Thanks everyone!

Staci, I was wondering how you knew when my birthday was. I went into my profile here and it's not here. Didn't think about G&B. I just went and fixed it. Now I can have my second birthday in a week. Hutch
No, Hutch.


Ain't happenin'.

No way, Jose.

In your dreams.

That sorta thing only works for kids.

After the age of 12 you only get one birthday per year.


Well, I don't really want the birthdays to get closer together at this point anyway. Maybe we should just start having one every other year when we hit 50. Hutch