Hairline Crack in Fiberglass

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
The guy who owned my Triton before me had a full snap cover installed on the boat. I have snaps running down the top of the fiberglass on the sides and around the front. I don't know why he did that because the snap cover is next to impossible to get on.

Anyway, one of the snaps on the back left side has a tiny crack in the fiberglass about an inch long on each side of the snap. I assume installing the snap weakened the fiberglass and it is giving over time. Is this something I should be worried about? Something I should have looked at? Something I should patch? Would it be covered under the hull warranty or not because he had it installed? Any info would be helpful.

I'd be surprised if it weakened the fiberglass. I suspect the gelcoat has been affected. I would worry, but not agonize. I can kick you in the shins and say, yes, you should have looked at it -- ;). I would have it repaired or repair it yourself [if you can]. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that it would not be covered under the hull warranty, it could possibly be covered under a dealer warranty [but doubt it], because it was an after market install.

Based on some of the fiberglass repairs I've had done to my boat, you're looking at @ $100-200.
Welcome to the world of fiberglass boats:D

Seriously. what you most likley have is a stress crack or woat is commonly known as a "chaze crack". All fiberglass boats get them at one point or another. It was most likley caused by the screw hole. Screw holes tend to weaken the gelcoat hence the crack. your hull warranty will not cover it, pretty much no boat makers cover stress cracks after 1 year. Its not a structural problem its strictly cosmetic so you dont have anything to worry about there.

The question of wether to get it fixed or not. Thats up to you, get an estimate and then decide. If it was my boat, i wouldnt bother. If you boat in rough water there will be more, all glass boats get them eventually.

I boat in really rough water so frequently i think of them as battle scars, they add character :)
Shoot I've seen old Skeeters that looked like they have cob webs and still goin' today.
Well, that wasn't my intent--:D:D. I wanted you to feel bad for not checking it out before buying.