Had to share!

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Randy Walls

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
I just had to share this. Today is my 21st wedding anniversary and my wife wanted to postpone any celebration (beside a dinner) so that we can take a trip south this spring, get a cabin, fish, relax and be newlyweds again! How wonderful is that?

After all these years she still amazes me! Even more so since she really doesn't like fish. Doesn't mind fishing, just toughing them and the smell. I have to take the fish off the hooks but she tries and is a great mother.

Hope everyone gets as lucky as I have been!;)

After 28 years my wife suprised me and my adult children by buying us all tickets to Oralando Florida. We leave tomorrow morning.

What would have been really great would be if they left me home with the dog and I could go hunting and they went to Fla. Isn't it amazing what a difference seven years make.

Anyway congrats on your anniversary.:lol:


You better burn the computer... If she sees that post you will be staying home, permenently, with a bit of covering over you and the pine box!

How right you are.


Hope you have the best time of your life.

Thanks, now the best part is I get to pick where we go!:cool:

Where do you find them like that? I'm going on my 16th and fish about 15 tourneys a year. Mine is just short of a Peta tree hugger and thinks I am killing the poor little creature.....Talk about polar opposites. But she is a great wife and mother and hope for at least 16 more.

Randy have a great time.....Pickwick is always great and the Shoals is a great hotel High Class and right on the water with a spa for her. Get with Velcro he has some killer spots.

The Dragon
I can say that I'm lucky enough to have one like that also. Although I've been married for "only" 5 years we still take weekend trips to the lake just to relax. Just like your wife she won't touch the fish or take a hook out. It's just the fact that she fully supports my hobby and takes the time to share in this delight. Congrats and have fun!
I am thinking about Weiss Lake in Alabama! Have a heard a lot about it and I love the southern U.S. I have been to Shoals and Pickwick so may as well try something new!

Thanks Guys!

I am thinking about Weiss Lake in Alabama-- Get you a good map when you get out of the channel it is full of stumps a lot of lowerunits on bottom.
Hey Randy, Congrats, and my wife is just like yours, cept we only been married going on 3 years. She won't eat fish, she won't cook it, she won't take em off the hook/lure, but LOVES TO FISH, and shes actually bailed my butt out a couple times in fun tourneys. One tourney, i took her to this shoreline, had the boat positioned about 15 yds from shoreline, and i was fishing the shoreline with very little luck, shes a good one for trying something new, so she starts fishing out deeper, and whammo, starts nailing em right and left. We stayed there and run about a 100 yd shoreline back n forth on the trolling motor. Come to find out, there was a shelf out deeper. And she won't let me forget that day either as she out fished myself and 2 people in the other boat. Just thot i'd add my .02 worth. Jim
Jim the first time I took her out we were fishing some slop. I give her a heavy rod with a rat on it and can't seem to hook up. So she goes with another rod, a spinning rod with 10lb test and a 4" worm. She throws right up in the thickest stuff she could find and reels it back without a snag until she finds a hole. Than Bam! All hell breaks loose and she is fighting and fighting. Couldn't belive it when she just kept the line tight and the fish worked its way out. About a three pounder. If it had been me it would have broken off on the strike. They do have something lucky about them I do have to admit!

Randy, Ron is right, get a good map of Weiss if you go there, it's shallow and full of stuff, you get out of that channel, which at time might not be marked the best and you could leave something behind. Good lake for bass, GREAT lake for crappie. I lived in Alabama for 3 years and went up there 2 times a year just to fill the freezer with crappie. And they have some slabs in there!!

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