Gun Cleaning

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
I recently got adopted by a Remington Model 700 XCR Long Range Tatical in .308. I'm a bit slack in cleaning my rifles and pistols. A good scrubbin a year the rest of the time a patch or two with some oil.

Now I'm being critized by my cronies at the gun counter about my "sloppy" methods. Huntin season is just around the corner so what does the average bass assassin/deer killer do to keep his venison collector clean.:huh:

The best I have found is the Hoppes "bore snake". A little bore cleaner on the end and a cuople of passes through the barrel are all it takes. I use it at the range after every few rounds, and when I shoot during the season I use it at lunch or whenever I get out of the woods. A bolt action needs nothing else other than a wipe down of the bolt.

Never had build up or any other issues doing this.

Wally world has most sizes, BPS and Cabelas have them also. Best $20 I ever spent!
I fire my one shot, then submerge the gun in Cosmoline for another year. A good bath in some gasoline, a light coating of oil and I'm good to go. :rolleyes:

Good grief. Clean it well after each outing, give it a light coating of oil every so often to fight off the elementsd and ignore those wackos.
I don't always clean them after every range session, unless it's a black powder gun. Depends on the gun. Carry guns get cleaned a lot. Plinking 22's and beater shotguns, a couple of times a year.

I usually use a bore brush alternating with Hoppes soaked patches, three or four times. More, if I am shooting cast lead.

I clean mine with at least a bore snake after EVERY outing,..EXCEPT after I get it dialed in for deer season...then, I don't clean them again until AFTER the season. My gun(s) shoot a little better after 3-4 shots, so once it's dialed in...I keep the barrel "used" until I'm done for the winter!! The only acception to that is with my shotguns for small game....I clean those after EVERY outing! And i use minimal oil in the receivers and bolts, etc..etc. I don't want them gumming up in the cold!! :cool:
I usually only hunt with flintlocks so that doesn't really apply:D

, but for my center fires I pull the trigger assembly once a year for a good cleaning. I wipe down the bolt, and swab the barrel after each use with Hoppes #9 then apply a very light coating of Mil-tech oil.
I try to clean all my firearms after each outing. Sometimes, just don't have the time. I guess about 95% of the time they get taken care of after firing. I do complete cleaning, on my guns.

Guns only have 2 enemies,.........RUST and Politicians, have TOTAL control over the rust!!;)
I try to clean when necessary.(Mostly after each use.) I found by switching to SS and/or chrome lined that cleaning was much easier, quicker and more forgiving when I forgot or didn't have the time to do it immediately. I'll bore snake at minimum each time and #9 application. One of my Browning's (Gold Medallion A-bolt Hunter BOSS .270 Win.) have only had Win. Sup. balistic rounds through it and I have not cleaned the barrel. (Action, bolt, trigger assy. only.) I've dry swabbed it, but I don't want to affect the grouping achieved @ 200yds. It's the most accurate rifle I've ever shot and I mostly don't want to mess with the Mojo! :lol:

Back when I owned guns, that is......:rolleyes::D
Fun guns, and guns you do not want to loose a zero on, bore snake and light lube on wear areas when complete. Do not take apart

Good cleaning bore snake, followed by brushing, patches and good lubing
Ahhh... I love the smell of CLP in my gun room... :lol:

Bore Snakes are awesome - I own one in every caliber / gauge I own.

The only guns I rip apart to parade rest every time are my pistols - especially my carry piece.

All the best,
