<gulp> Hole in Boat

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well, went fishing this morning in Salisbury, Maryland. About 105 acre "pond" that I haven't been on in twenty years. Fishing was horrrible but to make matters worse, on the way in to the ramp, at idle speed, I rode up on something I assumed was a stump in 10 feet of water. No big deal, it came right off. After I loaded the boat on the trailer and began to wipe it down I noticed a scrape on the left side. A closer examination behind the trailer bunk, I found a quarter size hole just below the water line.

This is my Pro Team 17 I have had for a little over a month or so.. I have always had a glass boat in the past so I guess I have to find someone that is very good at Mig welding. In the meantime I am going to have a very large adult beverage and try not to get sick to my stomach.

Thanks for letting me vent a little.

UUgghh Bill,

Enjoy the drink(S) and hope that you can find a welder in your area...

More than likely, it was a fence post. Probably even one of the metal ones. I can't believe that riding up on a stump would puncture the hull on that boat.

Bill,relax and have one for me too.

That should be a pretty easy fix.If they can,have them TIG weld it.Less heat to stretch the aluminum.
Thanks guys.. I have been sitting here on my deck weeping (not really) and the vodka tonics really helped:) Tox, I believe you are probably right. Of course it may have been a piling of some kind that had a spike in it. The hole in the gunnel looks about the size of the head of a large spike. Either way, in the deepest part of the lake in open water, it was not expected. Now, on to more drinks....

So it's been 20 years. There's no fish. You broke your boat.

It's probably a pretty safe bet that you won't be going back there for at least another 20 years...LOL

Make sure you post back and let us know the repair cost. It will give us something to compair to if that ever happens to one of us.


While the boat is down or in for repairs you are more than welcome to take a seat in my rig. Let me know if you want/need to get out. The fall bite is just starting to kick in!!

It's amazing what is just under the surface of deep water that you run full speed on all the time. Yesterday I had to run down to the southeast part of the state on business. While I was down there I checked out my favorite bass lake that I had read had been pulled down about 10 or 12 feet. I was amazed to see stickups in water that was 25 feet deep this summer. I had pulled my son on a tube there. Yikes!

Good luck with your boat, Bill. I'm sure a good shop will make it good as new.

My stomach would be down around my ankles if that happened to me.....

Good Luck!
Ok, a hole in boat update.. After a lot of false starts, I located a guy this morning who said he very proficient in TIG welding and had worked on "a lot" of tin boats. I trailered over there this morning, about 8 miles away, and after talking to him for a while I asked how long it would take. He said, "is about four this afternoon ok?" So, I left the boat with him and my stomach was imeediately better:) His only concern was the floatation behind the hole so I told him, if necessary, just cut it out and I would replace it.

Tox, thanks for the invite and I just may take you up on it sometime. I would love to fish fron that ride of yours.

I'll keep everyone up to date on how it ends up looking and how much it cost.
