Guess Who

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC [URL]
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Tox, very nice work. You should be proud. When do you find time to do all you do???

WooooHoooo!!!! Way to go Mr. Hammer!:D:cool: That's a really nice and nicely written article and you should be proud my friend! You do write very, very well! I'm sure it's oh so tough to do but the satisfaction you feel when it's done must be worth it, yes? Now, when I'm stopped on the street and asked if I know you, I can honestly say "yes I do", and I guess that's when the process server slaps that summons into my hands.:(

All kidding aside Scott, very well done:D

Uncle Billy
You would think it would be easy to just type out a short little blurb on a fishing technique but believe me it's not. When you think you have something, you submit it and it comes back totally changed because someone looked at it (editor) and they see it with a totally different perspective. So you try to incorporate the changes and then you get this strange feeling it is not your article anymore!! Plus you have to write so that a very broad audience can understand it. It's not too bad with Yamamoto, they pretty much let me say what I want but they did "can" my story on the little newt from last year (remember the one that tried to mate my senko?:lol: ) they told me they wanted more "PG" stuff....:huh::lol:


She postponed it....her Uncle is in the Mayo Clinic right now not doing good (cancer) and her father just got diagnosed with inoperable prostrate cancer that has also moved to his spine.....we are having a bit of a family crisis trying to get all of this in perspective, we just found out last night about her father's "real" condition.

Dude,...that BITES!! Give her our best and tell her we'll be praying for her dad and uncle!!
Thanks Folks,

My wife's family has had one of the worst years possible. First they put their 93 year old grandmother in an assited living community (read: nursing home)in Florida. She is why we put together the Wisconsin get together and she couldn't make it this year (first time in 11 years). A week after she is there, 2 thugs get in the facility and rob a bunch of the residents.:angry: Then her sister gets thrown from her horse in Chicago and breaks her back, while treating her back they find a "spot" on her pancreas, she then has a slip and fall at their home and shatters her wrist, never to be the same (she is my age). Her brother has a flare up of a mental illness and they find him after a week of wandering in an airport. Her Uncle is in the Mayo cancer clinic right now with a limited time to live, her father first get's diagnosed with prostrate cancer then they find it has metastisized on his spine. Since it is so advanced they have opted not to operate. He left Kansas City and is at Loyola in Chicago getting a second opinion today, we are waiting with baited breath. wife is scheduled for foot surgery, which she cancelled because of everything else that is going on. On top of that I get pulled back into the "dark" side of my job which means I literally have bags packed and sitting by the front door 24/7. I have made and cancelled 4 different plane reservations in the last week (nature of the beast). I could get called any second and have to go (cloak and dagger crap). Problem with that is that I am not there for support for my wife...mentally I have to be compressed like a spring, ready to jump and go do a job that is increasingly dangerous and could take me anywhere in the country. And to top it off, I'm gonna miss Woo Daves tournament (first time in 6 years) guessed it......I'm scheduled to ship out again next week.:p

So, you think you've got it bad???.....C'mon over to my world!!:lol: Actually we are doing well. It's how you deal with life's curve balls that define you as a person. We'll get through it especially with the help from good people, the likes of which are right here on this board.

It's all in God's hands and all will be as He plans. That's always best for us!

FWIW: The FIL is in good hands at Loyola. The wife did her undergrad/graduate/internship/doctorate at Loyola and the level of expectation from the students and faculty is incredible. We'll pray for them all. Keep the faith!
My old team tourney partners oldest son is at Loyola in Pre-Med. Awaiting acceptance into Med School. Awesome program.

Your family will be in my prayers Tox.

nice article BTW. I kept looking for my name (hahaha) butyou never seemed to mention about the guy that kicked your butt on your own lake! HAHAHAHA!

God speed!

Somehow I think that would have damaged my credibility!!:lol::lol: You gave me a reason to learn the technique!!:lol::lol:


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