Greatest angler debate!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
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OK, NOW I know what you guys have been talking about. I don't have cable or satellite at my house so when I stay in a hotel (which is often lately) I like to watch channels I don't get to normally.

On Saturday morning I saw this show on ESPN and couldn't believe it was Mark Zona (the Z man) that was hosting it. He was a big Everstart/FLW man and now he's on board with ESPN and henceforth BASS???

Anyway, now that I have seen the list, I am total agreement with Rick Clunn being in the top 2, but NOT Roland Martin. He did well for a few years and then fell off. Clunn did well for a few DECADES! 4 Classic wins and 26 consecutive appearances......need I or anyone say anything more????

Yes, I agree with having Vandam and Yelas in there. Bill Dance? No way. Sorry, don't agree with that one at all. George Cochran should have been in WAY before Dance ever was.
That's a Jacked up list! And a panel that only has one individual that qualifies to be a judge...Tommy Martin!

Skeet Reese is an absolute IDIOT! And howinthehelldidhegetthere?

And Roland Martin...yes he has talent but, is a total ass!

Rick Clunn should be on top!
I havn't been watching this show so I don't know for sure, but one angler I haven't heard mentioned is Guido Hibdon. He was the first to win Angler of the Year two times in a row and along with Bobby Garland practally invented the art of sight fishing. Does anybody know where Guido landed on this discussion?

Not in the top 10. I'm not sure if they listed where everyone fell - probably out of respect for feelings. Another obvious name not in the top 10 was David Fritts. Done it ALL. And with BASS going to a full calendar next year, don't be surprised to see him once again being very effective.

For me, it always has been Clunn, for many reasons.

Now, if the list was the Top 10 in the 90's, or the last 10 years, it would be an easy discussion. After all is said and done in his career, it is quite likely that KVD will have that honor.

Zona is not only doing that show, but also co-hosts Loudmouth BASS, usually seen on Saturday morning also.

If you all listen to your young children, you may hear who the real best fisherman is. I overheard my son the other day talking to his uncle and found out I was. If that don't pop your heart nothin' will.
Unfortunately, this is not about the "greatest angler". It is nothing more than a popularity contest which is obvious with Dance and Martin in the top ten. They are popular due to the years of exposure on TV, and are almost household names. Years ago, it might have been a different situation, when they were having to fish for a living, not go to a privately managed lake and shoot a TV show. I wonder how many days it takes them to shoot one 30 minute show.

The guys that deserve to be in the top ten should be the guys in the pits going to war with each other day after day, not the 'stars'.

Agree Lamar. You know what's funny is Dance actually did do shows where he wasn't fishin' in someone's overstocked pond years ago(70's I think):eek: I seen a show where of all things was hammerin' big smallies on a topwater frog of all things.

I've seen shows where he actually fished in TVA' Lakes like Dale quite often...maybe he couldn't hang with the big boys any longer and had to resort to what I call "shootin' fish in a barrell":angry:
You can say what you want but I believe Ike will be one of the best ever. He's still early in his career and watching him grow as an angler he's becoming one of the best today. Arrogant, yes - maybe a little. But I would be too if I had his talent, aggressiveness, and willing to be the best. But you can't argue that he can't fish because the man can catch fish and he does his homework before he hits the water.
You can say what you want but I believe Ike will be one of the best ever. He's still early in his career and watching him grow as an angler he's becoming one of the best today. Arrogant, yes - maybe a little. But I would be too if I had his talent, aggressiveness, and willing to be the best. But you can't argue that he can't fish because the man can catch fish and he does his homework before he hits the water.

Isn't that whay everybody hates about Roland Martin???:huh:

IKE is a "fad",....he'll have to change over time or go the way of skinny ties. The poor guy would still be in traction if he caught that 11.5lbr that KVD stuck in the E50. I'll give the guy credit,..sure he can fish and he's on a roll now,...more power to him,....but thank GOD for mute buttons when he stix a 2lb fish and it makes it on TV!!:angry:

What I don't understand about Ike is,why somebody else fishing close by him in the tourney doesn't punch him in the mouth.

How would you like somebody near where you are fishing screaming at the top of his lungs??

Wonder how he would feel if the spectaters following him screamed like he does all day long ??

I dion't see why he should mind,after all,he is doing it to the other competitors nearby..right?
Isn't that whay everybody hates about Roland Martin???[

No it's the $29.99 I spent on Helicoptor Lures when I was 15 yrs old...:D

BTW...I still have them in the basement....suprisingly,no teeth marks on them;)

Ten years from doubt about it !!!!!!!!!!
I don't think some of you are even watching the show to hear the debate or are too young to recognize just who is who.

Martin "did well for a few years and then fell off"????

Ike will straighten up when his sponsors get tired of his antics. There's nothing the public can do because no matter how you look at it the pro's aren't on the outside looking in and that really changes the perspective. When Ike compiles the stats that Martin has, then he will have earned the right to be hated the same way Roland is!!:p

Everybody needs to realize that the best fisherman is different for everybody, there will never be a consensus.

The exceptional competitors are measured by the winning the top victories repeatedly. Richard Petty had 7 driving championships, as well as Dale sr. The Yankees have won the Series too many times. The Lakers have a load of championships and who can deny Lance Armstrong's string of Tour de France championships as being the platform for bicycling greatness.

Clunn's record of 4 Classic victories has to be measured as greatness. It's very difficult to win a single classic - ask Roland. I won't say Clunn's fishing ability puts him in a class by himself but it wouldn't take long for role call.

Just my 0.02.

Da Bear
I've always had my favorites when it comes to bass fishing. Roland Martin & Jimmy Houston have been my favorite shows to watch. When I watch them, it's amazing how fun it is watching them having fun and they get to do it for a living. What a dream it is, being paid to fish. What more can you ask for. I've always said it would be an honor just to sit on their boat and be able to watch them fish one day and pick apart how, where, & what to do in a day of fishing. There would be so much information you can get from from them it would be system overload.

Ike is becoming one of my favorites. I guess I like the new style too. As in NASCAR Dale Sr was always my favorite, now that he's gone I've become a Ryan Newman fan. He's an up and coming star and could be one of the all time greats. Right now, he's taking on winning poles like crazy, now if he can turn those into winning races he will be unstoppable. But he's still a good race car driver and nobody can dispute that. Ryan & Ike have a lot in common - still new to their sport but have shown they can win at this level and are getting better each and every year.

One thing is for sure - they'll never be another Roland or Dale Sr. and what they've mean to their sport. Each one have done a lot of positive things for them. Also, they were either loved or hated in their sport but they earned their respect by accomplishing their personnal achievements on their own guts, determination & skill and therefore became icons for their sport.
Point taken Bill. He is an accomplished angler. I just don't think he is better than Clunn. And I think the "greatest angler" should also encompass all we respect as a pro angler and be a proper ambassador of the sport. Martin is NOT that person.

Some might say the same about Iaconellie. The difference is that Ike is very approachable and a nice guy in person. His antics are his own and yes even I think they're a bit over the top, but he still promotes the sport, signs autographs, gives excellent seminars, and tries to be open to fans. Roland worries about himself and only himself. To me, that is NOT somebody we should be putting up on a national pedestal.
I think Rob got it right, both are incredible anglers, but part of any professional sport is being a role model. I would give both my respect as far as fishing goes, but as far as being a great professional, I have never heard ANY bad stories about Rick Clunn, always just the opposite. Unfortunately the same can not be said about Roland Martin.
I agree to a point Rob..and I never said he was better than Clunn but the dismisal of him because he's perceived to be an a$$hole is not right either. I don't know how nice Iaconelli is because I've never approached him and have only heard stories. I have approached Roland Martin and found him to be a nice guy, other stories not-withstanding. It was also my understanding years ago that Clunn was NOT approachable, especially around tournament time. So who nows the truth about various personalities? This is not a "best personality" debate. It's a "best angler" debate and that's what should decide it.
