Greatest Angler Debate

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Michael S

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Did any one happen to catch the greatest angler debate on Saturday morning I missed it because I was fishing, but I am interested to know who was the next in line.

thanks in advance.
It was easy Jim - Trepper wins!!! LOL
angler/brew master hands down the award goes to the trep man....
OK seriously on this site I'd give it to Tox' daughter and then Teri then Neeley!!!
I did catch some of it with breakfast before heading out. I believe it was Hank Parker, and Skeet Reese was claiming he shouldn't be in the top 10. Catching quite a bit of heat for that remark.

I didn't get to watch all of it, so I don't know what all was said.

It was Hank Parker - they were wondering how he would do now if he came out of retirement because he was so aggressive in tournaments when he was younge and could possibly hold his own against the younger generation. I think they rebroadcast both Friday and Saturday early in the morning.

Bill, The Mad Kayaker
yeah I saw that one last week Tex.....this weeks should have been for the #6 angler.....

but thanks for the help.
I asked Hank last year at ICAST if he ever thought about coming out of retirement and fishing the tour again,...and he said he has thought about it, but he's digging his new bride and just doing his show......he's a happy man now,...and not hurting for attention.
I didn't even know he was divorced and re-married thats news to me.....
Hank is divorced!!! News to me too. I met Hank at Bass University in the eighties. Very religious and devoted to family. Not to say this makes him any less. But I was very impressed with his sincerity. Truely a quality person.

He's been married to Martha for a couple years now, maybe three. A beautiful, sweet lady that really takes good care of Hank. They're like a couple of high school kids when you see them. I think Hank's quite happy where he is in life without adding the necessary evils that come with touring. If I were him I'd keep rolling along with the excellent niche he's cut out for himself!
So is Martha the new wife?? If he found one better than her, she must be sumpinelse fo sho. :rolleyes::wub:

My thoughts are like a few others...Howinthehell did HE get in there:lol:
His divorce from "Angie" was a little on the bitter side you could say...LOL

I've met "Martha" too on several occasions,....she absolutley LOVES S&T (as does Hank) and she is a GREAT person,.....she and Hank both are very very sincere and personable people. Nothing fake about them at all.....100% genuine!! I did an original S&T customized 'toon for Hank based on an "incident" that happened at a BPS a few years ago and he has it hanging in his family room at home. I consider him a personal friend and he always takes the time to come over and BS with me when we're at a show together.....a lot of the time Martha will hang out and visit with me and the people from Action, when Hank's signing autographs.

The next time I have a party at my house when there's a bunch of my fishin' buddies there,...Hank told me to let him know in advance, and he'll call my house and chat with that would be a cool deal aye??!! "Hey Mini,'s Hank,...he wants to say hi!!" LOL:lol:

He calls her Marta on the shows:) He is a good guy but, definitely not in the top 10. A lot more out there that ARE qualified by their skills alone.

And Hanky ain't got a dam thing on me when it comes to spinnerbaits:lol: