Great day in the mornin'....

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Something wrong today here. There's this big yellow thing in the sky emitting all kinds of bright light. Not a cloud anywhere.:D:rolleyes:
Morning all - Tee when you going, i'll be right behind you. Dan's picking me up around 4:30pm after work this afternoon till dark. Fishing here has been hit/miss the last week or so, our temps in the last 2 weeks have been as low as upper 30's and high in the 90s, so fish are all messed up!
Lucky you Tee...I wish I could go too.

Mac and I went toad slaying last 5 were about 23 pounds.....
Good morning all from sunny KY. wheeeew.. mid 80s here today. Hey you, ya you, have a safe and God filled day...:D

I'm on my way to the soon as my friend gets here. He's running late. Sunny (that's kind of new) and in the low 80's here today!

Good mornin' everyone.. I'm sitting here wrestling with computer problems but I swear I'm not going o let it get to me... *(&*&%&^$^%#*()_##@.... Ok, ok, that's better:unsure:

Tee, be careful with that back. When it tells you to stop or take it easy (and it will talk to you) make sure you listen. Trust me..

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Morning, sun is shinin here too and 73 degrees with a high of 80+ but I am stuck in the office.

I had to stop the study treatment for a week or permanently while we try to find out where all the blood is coming from that I am coughing up and why I am spilling protien. I already know I think, the blood is from the tumor growing in the lung and the protien is from the drug, dehydration or the natural progression of this cancer to my organs. I have been feeling it progress all over for the last couple of weeks. We know something for sure tomorrow as I have scan done today at 1:00pm and I am doing a 24 hour collection til tomorrow morning.

What it be it be as it is all God's plan and God's will.

Ain't life a blast.:D: blink:

I will be computerless at home for the next couple of weeks but should check in from work occasionally.

Y'all have a great day.


As I have said before... You don't even blink when the road turns rough. You are definitely a very fine example of a man of faith and courage. I'm hoping for a lot more Mondays so I can continue to handle the worries for you for that day. You and I are talking to the same fellow so maybe he will see things our way and cut you some slack... Wherever the roads goes you have been an inspiration to everyone who has been touched by your presence here. I genuinely feel I am chatting with a good friend. We will definitely sit down together somewhere, sometime and lie about our fishing skills... God Bless and I am holding you and your friends and family close to me in my prayers.
Thanks Billy and Greg, there are many fine folks on this board I would like to fish with before being called home but if we don't make it before then we'll have to do it after. :blink:

My grandson's birthday is this weekend and his dad asked him what he wanted and he said he wand to go to Tennessee to see papaw. My son hurt his back at work and it is a 5 hour drive from Indy so I don't know if they will make it or not. I hope they do and I pray that I have the strength to take them out on Percy Priest for one day. Still don't have the top for the boat but I got some +1000000 or something sunblock and I am off the study meds so I should be ok.

Thanks again and remember as you know the strength comes from God not me.

Take care

Good evening everyone! Well back from 4 hours on the lake with Dan, MAN its tough summer fishing already!! We both got 1 keeper and 1 dink each, Dan's keeper was bigger then mine, 3 out of 4 fish came on crankbaits, 1 on a worm. I could NOT get a Drop Shot or TX rigged worm bite. Oh well, 4 hours on the water, fish in the boat, great company, and home to a cold beer, life is GOOD!!

Bill, JDJ all y'all take care and get well, i'm tired of Uncle Billy TALKING about fishing, I want both of you out there yanking huge sacs of fish!!