Gotta love the French

  • Thread starter Bruce Moore [URL]
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I can respect others opinions but how can they be so twisted? How can a society be against strong moral values. Baffling.
The one thing about this...

This is not the opinion of all of the French people, nor the popular opinion, nor the opinion of the French Government... it is, to quote:

"I found it completely indecent to present a manhunt as a game," said Thierry Meyssan, the man behind the French deck. "We thought this card game would allow us to ... explain why we consider the government of George Bush a threat to international security."

"Meyssan heads the Voltaire Network, a left-wing association that put the cards on its Internet site. "

So, while we may not agree with him, or them, they are exercising the very right that our friends and family members are fighting to give the Iraqi people.

Exactly what did you expect to eventually come out of the whole "Iraq deck" of cards? One man's leader is another man's enemy...

Another way to look at it:

Did you stop listening to ALL country music because of the opinions of the Dixie Chicks?

Don't blame the entire country of france for the actions of a few.
France never paid their debt for WWII, 11,000 of our boys are buried there, fighting and giving their all for a people who have never had a military victory and now treat us like they are. Enough said.

Bruce, here is your list....

You may be wondering what companies should you boycott. You will probably be surprised to learn the French own everything from Wild Turkey to Car and Driver to Motel 6 to cheesy Spencer Gifts to disgusting Democrat schlock-show host Jerry Springer.

Air France.

Air Liquide.



Aqualung (including: Spirotechnique, Technisub, U.S. Divers, and SeaQuest).

AXA Advisors.

Bank of the West in California (owned by BNP Paribas). Please note: Bank of the West, Irving, TX, is locally owned and operated, and is not affiliated with Bank of the West in California

Beneteau (boats).

BF Goodrich (owned by Michelin).

BIC (razors, pens and lighters).

Biotherm (cosmetics).

Bollinger (champagne).

Car and Driver magazine.


Chivas Regal (scotch).

Christian Dior.

Club Med (vacations).

Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey (Seagram).

Dannon (yogurt and dairy foods).

Dom Perignon.

Durand Crystal.

Elle magazine.

Essilor Optical Products.



Glenlivet (scotch).


Jacobs Creek (owned by Pernod Ricard since 1989).

Jerry Springer (talk show).

Krups (coffee and cappuccino makers).


Le Creuset (cookware).

While I hate the stinkin' french as much as anybody,we need to be careful with what we boycott.Alot of companies may be owned by french,but are here in America,using American labor,putting food on our American tables.

The french restaraunt boycott has put a few American owned restaraunts out buisness just because they served french food.

Just my $.02
Maybe the French should be more concerned about saving their people from the heat. I mean, 15000 dead in France from the heat this summer. Sounds like some 3rd world country or something.
I can and do blame all French. If they are too weak to stand up and speak out against the ones representing them-then I DO blame them.

"I fart in their general direction"

p.s.: though it is a little off topic for the forum
Better late than never.

Our French Canadian friends should not be included in this "French" thing. Canada was there when we asked and then Bush overlooked Canada when he listed our allies. (A wrist slap for Bush.)

One more thing, I don't have a bit of problem ordering fries or freedom fries.

I've said my piece, (thanks Rich), that's it until someone stirs my pot. It's mostly WWII and what they are doing now that gripes me.