Got nailed

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
Well we just power back on and it's almost 3pm CST. The tornado hit right after I sent my post last night. The wife, dogs and myself took cover in my gun room and let it go by. Kept waiting for the windows to pop out or something to let go. Sounded like a jet engine,crap flying everywhere.

After it passed we had no power. I did a quick damage control and other than my privacy fence damaged and a couple of tree limbs that fell on my neigbors house I didn't loose a shingle. Lots of junk pieces of fence window trim laying in the yard. My downspouts are MIA as well as my second boat cover on the Tundra;

I cranked up my Honda generator and plugged in some lights an ofcouse my 55 inch Samsung.

Family two doors up had their basement flooded and are missing most of the shingles. Same with next door most of the shingles gone. A house on my side about four doors up lost most of his roof and has most the window gone. Lots of roof and window damage, glass laying around. The center of town two blocks away had a big tree ontop a house and a smaller house with a smaller tree on it. Most of the utility poles were laying in the street twisted and broken like match sticks. Wasn't safe to walk through town and ofcourse driving was impossible. One bridge on a gravel road coming in the back of town was washed out.

As far as I can tell no one was hurt. Just a small one I guess. This make my sixth tornado. My lifetime storm report card reads six tornado, one water spout, two hurricanes at sea one on land.

fatrap - glad you and the family are okay. Wow, can't imagine what that's like - don't want to!! Blizzards and the occasional thunderboomer are enough for me here.
Yeah Greg Dad's ok too. He was out picking up limbs and throwing them in the creek behind the house.

You know Fat, I am used to hearing you talk about these, but in upstate NY, we got nailed twice in the last 4 yrs. One ONLY went through OUR town too! Ain't that just the way. Did a LOT of damage to my property and crushed a shed, but didn't touch the house. Glad you made it through relatively unscathed.
You know Rob, with Al Gores global warming no one's safe from Twisters. Living in tornado alley is the price we pay. BUT no earthquakes, tusnamis,or hurricanes. Just wind and floods. Believe it or not years ago my tournament partner and I sat out one tornado out in a bass boat tucked into a little cut in a bluff in Elwood NE, Every0ne in the tourney made it off the lake except us went the wrong direction from the ramp because we couldn't see in the blinding rain.

Rode one out (very small one) in Wisconsin under a very low bridge... tied four anchor ropes to the supports under the bridge... blew the boat back hard enough that she lifted out of the water and swund free on those ropes... After it passed... went to the weighin!!! Finished 8 th or 9th (remember low end of the top ten)!