Got Laid Off Today

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Dang girl...hate to hear it. You'll be back in no time with your talent;)
That's too bad, I'm sorry to here it. On the bright side, you won't have to rush back from the MVM. ;) As others have and will say, you'll find something even better. Good luck.

She's not coming up now!!:(:( Hang tough'll be fine!! You have my cell number and my home email, so call anytime you need to vent or to just'll ALWAYS have a shoulder here!! ;)

We'll be in touch!!


One of my long time work friends just got let go today too!!
Sorry to hear this Teri. :(

Their loss, your next employer's gain! ;)

Now go fishin' and don't worry.... be happy! :D
Teri look for that open door. I have been there and gone through that twice just because I was the short timer, and even though I had received the highest ratings in the departments.

If I hear of anything I will contact you!


Aww shoot, teri, sorry to hear that...hang in there and if we can do anything, just let know.

Sorry to hear that Teri.:(:(

Good luck with your new endeavors(hopefully more fishing)!

Tom Jones
Sorry to hear that Teri. Good luck on the hunt. Holler if you start to consider the Houston area. I know Baker Hughes is a big SAP user.

Unfortunately, you called this one correctly. Sorry to hear that it has happened to you, as it has happened to many others (myself included). My best advice is fairly simple and straightforward.

You are in control of your attititude! Make sure you put the right one every day. That in itself, will pay you positive dividends as you move down the road.

sorry to hear about that Teri. Wish The grim reaper of unemployment would have missed you

Sorry about the lay-off Teri. Try to keep a positive attitude. Things will work out soon.

All the best,

Sorry to hear that. I hope you can take a couple of days to collect your thoughts and then find a great recruiter. At your level that is probably the best route to a good next position. You can always search around on your own as well, but professional assistance is a good avenue to some of the best jobs.
Sorry to hear this Teri. Prayers sent, that you will get a much better job.

Darn! I'm so sorry Teri!:eek: Keep your spirits up and I'm going to say a prayer and send best wishes thoughts to you, ok?:(

Uncle Billy
Teri go to Nestle's web site put In your resume..Anderson In....They are picking up some..I will give your name to them....You might be Interested...JR
Sorry to hear, but as has been said keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.
Try your best to keep a positive outlook, better things will come. Having said that, I would also say take a day ot two to just be in a funk and get it all out of your system, then on to the bigger and better.

Good Luck!:)
Sorry to hear girl!

Check this link...

For family and friends not at the Detroit Arsenal, they can also view our vacancy announcements. They would access the vacancy announcements by using this link:, then click on employment, and then click on search for jobs.
Sorry to hear about this, hang in there Teri and know there's a whole lot of us, (yeah and some of us that don't post a whole lot), that are prayin' for ya and sending hopeful thoughts your way.........