Gooood morning NTOWS

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Good morning folks,

I'm going for Brain CT this morning along with other doc appointments to determine the cause of some issues and see if the cancer is growing wild again. I could use some prayers for a negative outcome. I'm hoping to find out that it is just chemical screw ups in my body due to the heavy steroids I have been on for brain selling. I've been tapering off of them but not moving nearly as fast as I would like.


Morning all, been running at work since 7:30am today. Slammed all week, hope to get out this weekend to fish.

Good luck JDJ!!
Good Morning all... JDJ you are in my prayers every day... And, I'll be right there in spirit all day...
Good morning all!

JDJ: Holding a good thought for you and hoping that you're able to maintain the strength to fight the good fight. v/r Mountain Man
The brain CT scan went great. The swelling is down and they got all the cancer with the procedure. Praise God, another example of prayers working.

Thursday I have a chest and abdomen scan to check the cancer progress. This will reveal what progress the cancer has made in the throat, chest and abdomen so we can discuss treatment options or no treatment. I

That is good news...

There is no limit to the power of prayer and the Drs all admit it and that a positive attitude is as good as some of their drugs... So, you hang in there... all of your friends here continue to pray and hope...
Thank you Greg,

I tuirned all of this over to God a long time ago so I am ready for whatever His will deems for me.

You are right prayers, faith and attitude are what makes it easier to deal with and will go a lot longer towards treatment than anything alse. Some of my Doc's admit this some don't. My respritory doc says I am his hero and inspriration because he has never in all his years seen some stay on his feet and smile in the face of this, make my own medical decisions while continuing to work and do as much as I can t be happy keep my family happy.

I keep telling him the same thing and I believe he is seeing the light.

I ain't me, it's God. God and faith give me the strength, God helps me with every decision, God gives me strength when I am weak and God has revealed himself to no less than 5 times in the last year. In short I would not have made it long without God, He is using me and working through me and until he is done with I will be fighting this thing. Praise God

Thank you again for the thoughts and prayers.


