Good Saturday Morning NTOWS

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Morning all. Busy this weekend preparing for our move. Sorting out paperwork, files, junk and such. Number of trips planned to Goodwill today.

Going to change the right hub on my boat trailer. Simply easier for me (at this time), to go down to Northern Tool, spend $30.00, and chnage out the entire hub, rather than just trying to fix the rear seal. Don't want to tow all the way to Texas, with a seal leaking. Also have to empty out most of the important stuff in the boat, so it's not tempting anyone during our move.

Clear skies here in Rock Hill, but a little cool this morning. Hoping it get's to the 50's today.

Have a great weekend.

Well its about 4 degrees and I'm packiong up to go ice fishing in Necedah, Wisconsin...;)
Moved back east from my tour in Colorado and traded all that ice fishing gear for a nice warm rifle. Best trade I ever made!:):):)
Morning all!! Well we have our first Mardi Gras parade today, soI have to work the parade. It's the holiday that the nut's like. At least it's not raining. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Barry from La.:)
Good Afternoon Gang - Was in Vienna Austria all last week on Business, got back yesterday. Beka left for her mom's this AM, mom-n-law had her Hip replaced last Mon, and Beka will be out there for 2 weeks helping her get through some of the therapy and helping her at home.

So its Mr.Dad for me for 2 weeks!
