Good night stripe fishing

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Steven Parker

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
Went stripe fishing Saturday night. Had a good trip overall and was lucky enough to get this girl about 1:45 a.m.

Martin Stripe.jpg
WOW!!! How big was she? Looks well over 15lbs!
OMG! I would just die to reel that thing in. Do you eat them when they are that big? I'd be putting that on my wall. :p
I catch lots of fish this size and the best thing you can do is put it back, if you had it could have become a 40lb fish.

Nice catch but big striper need to be released, think about it.
Gary - with all due respect, and I really mean that, why do ALL big striper need to be released? What's wrong with keeping the occasional LEGAL sized fish pursuant to mandated limits? Personally, I like keeping and eating some of the fish I catch. Its why fishing first originated. It also teaches us the value of maintaining a healthy fishery that includes taking and consuming fish in a responsible manner. Don't mean to start a debate, but sometimes I think we've gone too far the other way on catch and release of EVERYTHING.

Steve - congrats. Nice fish! (period)
I agree to a point - if you want to eat one - pick a 10 - 12 lber it have less

levels of mercury and other contaminants making it healtier for you and your family.

It is your fish and you have the right to keep it - but it takes a long time for a system

to produce a fish like that and having to wait 7 or 8 years for the system

to replace it is a long stretch.

I did not mean to sound insulting just want people to consider it.

Hope you catch lots more.


Maybe my comment "Do you eat them when they are that big?" sparked this catch and release debate. I have NO problem with people eating the fish they catch. I rarely do but that's only because I find it disgusting to clean them. But...if someone did it for me, I would have a freezer full of crappie and catfish. I still can't kill a large or small mouth.

My real intention of asking that question was not to criticize for keeping it. I was always told that once fish get to a certain size, it's not healthy to eat them. I believe Mercury was mentioned above. I was simply asking to see if that was true. Figured it could be something my Grandpa or step Dad made up.

Berry, don't make promises you won't keep because you know I will be standing on the dock at Shutes every weekend with my pole waiting to see if you come by. :D
wow.. nice fish!!

Steve,, do you mind sharing what type of bait you used?

I am here in Arizona and Lake Pleasant is full of them. I used Anchovies because I heard they bite on those at night,, but didn't do too well.
