Good Morning!

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Where is everyone??????

I cant sleep.:angry::angry::angry: so i figured i'd be the first to say GOOD MORNING!!!!

Well i'm going to try to go back to sleep now.......

I hope everyone has a great day! Mine will be good. I'm just worried about the drug test. I know im going to pass, i have nothing to hide or fear when it comes to that. I'm just concerned of what kind of test it is. I sure hope its not a blood test. i HATE needles....eeeekk...

anyway...have a great day!!!!!!

I've been up for an hour or so, haven't slept in 2 weeks with my allergies and asthma :angry:
Good morning BJ, Bruce Y and everyone else. BJ, don't worry to much about your upcoming drug test. They are always urine tests, unless you can't "go". Urine tests are cheaper than blood tests.

Good mornin'.. Going to be in the mid to upper 70's and low humidity here today. Hot and muggy yesterday until thunderstorms came through and then it got beautiful. It got very clear and the temp dropped about ten degrees. Of course the electricity flickered off so I had to go around and reset the ten thousand digital clocks we have...It would be a great day to go fishin'.. Oh well..

I picked up my grand-niece from the last day of school yesterday. It was wild watching all those kids, she's ten, running like a bat of h##l away from that building. She didn't know the old "No more pencils, no more books" rhyme. On her binder however "HAGS" was written all over it. She had to explain, "Have a great summer"...:)

Have a great and safe day.

Morning, anybody want to call my boss and tell him I have a family emg to take care of on the lake????

Morning everyone. Nice here in the Carolinas this morning. Just about ready for my Club T tomorrow. Busy at work.

Have a great day, and a better weekend.

TGIF! Y'all have a good one..TEE will be on the water doin' what he loves best...topwater!:wub:

Good Fishin' to ya':cool:

Well, the toilet seats are down and the dirty dishes are in the wife got back yesterday. It's good to have the old girl back.:D

We had two big thunderstorms hit us yesterday. One in the morning and the other last night around 10:30. I'll bet the lake looks like tomato soup. I have no idea whats in store for today but it's nice and cool right now...66*.


Here's the bottle and don't pee all over your hands. P.S. no dipping in the toilet to fill it. All kinds of positive stuff in there.:p
well good morning. I finally fell back asleep. I'm rested pretty good now.

I had the alarm set and the alarm on mycell phone set in case the power went out. It flickered once when i was awake so i reset my clock. Funny thing is my clock went off first, i turned over pushed snooze and put my head down, it was there for what felt like one second and the phone went off, so i turned the phone off, and put my head back down, well then the alarm goes off, so i turn back over and push snooze, put my head down again, and the phone goes off again. I decided what the heck....i have to get up so i'm not late....
