Good Morning Tuesday...

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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Reaction score
Good Morning from Chicagoland... Cloudy but warm... supposerd to be almost 60 today...
Morning everyone.

Second day a new job. I've got my computer up and running and connected to the network. Now I actually have to start working. I get to meet (via teleconference) with both of my new Managers today.

One is my 'HR' manager, the other is my Delivery manager who will arrange for me to be busy.

If you haven't voted yet today, please do, regardless of who you support.

Morning: Clouding up here and looks like rain. Atleast it isn't snowing. Everyone have a great day.:)
Morning all!!

The rain is over and the weather is starting to clear. Should be nice the rest of the week.

I hope everyone has a great God filled day.

Barry from La.:)
Great rainy morning all from Ky. God bless all and have a safe day.

Good day all. The knee is still progressing nicely. You'll never believe this. Yestarday evening I was working on the "beer 'fridge" at our bar in the basement. Like a big dummy, I sliced both, yes both of my thumbs open. They wouldn't stop bleeding, so off to the E/R. Instead of stiches though they used super glue. There I was, on crutches with two thumbs that wouldn't stop bleeding. Felt like an episode of "Appilatchan E/R on Saturday Night Live.

I'm such a clutz,
