Good morning NTOWS

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Good morning ladys and germs.

I saw the oncologist yesterday and got another EKG, big waste of time. Today I see the pulmanary doc and cardiologist, these clowns think I have nothing better to do but to see them so they can sy hello and send a big bill.
Morning Everyone, late getting in this morning. Doctors appointment with a dermatologist to get a cyst removed off my cheek. In and out in less than 45 min. Stings a little bit, now that the novacain they squirted into my cheek is wearing off. Everyone have a great day.:)
Good Mornin' everyone.. Hey JDJ, you must be going to my Doctor's..:) Well, every test I had two or three weeks ago have turned up negative for anything wrong... I'm sure they'll find some more tests

for me to endure...:(

I bought a new laptop yesterday after rubbing all the hair from my head trying to decide which one.

So I ended up buying a Hp Pavilion with an Athlon processor. It was a few dollars more than the one I went to look at but this processor is much more of a kick a$$ one. Now to get it all hooked up and get everything off of this laptop and on to the new one..

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Great morning all. Hey, I think I see the sun coming out:p I think it is just showing the sun where to rain again today. My lawn is knee high to a camel!:eek: Well, all have a safe and God filled day and let me know if you have stay at WDW lately and where to get any discounts for the wife and I's anniversary coming up in October. Thanks all,

You're right Bill, they can always dream up more test to suck more money into the huge vacuum of health care management. :rolleyes:

I have to take my HP in for repairs, I bought the 3 year extended warrantte on it and I have just plain worn it out. The screen, the keyboard, the mouse pad are all screwed up and it overheats so I think one of the fans is bad. They will have it 8 to 10 weeks if they fix it or if they total it they have to replace it. My wife said since I use it to work at home so much when I am sick (most of the time) I need to buy a new one if they want to keep that long. I will probably just wait and go computerless for a while. It would be a good chance to catch up on my reading of the word. :)

Take care and don't let the docs test you to death. ;)