Good Morning NTOWS T.G.I.F.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
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Nasty storms went through last night. (Wind, rain and lightning)

Tournament tomorrow on Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks and another one Sunday on Lake Bonapaerte in Harrisville NY. Should be a good weekend and hopefully keep up my winning streak. Everyone have a great weekend.:D:wub:
Good morning Bassin Fool and everyone else. Going to be in the 90's here today, glad I'll sleep through it! Expecting strong storms and rain tonight and Saturday. At least it will cool things down.

Morning all!! Still a good chance of rain today and this weekend. Will try to get out of some honey-do's and go fishing. Everyone on have a great day.

Good morning everyone! It's smooth seas out here. Wish they would slow down for me to wet a line, but then we couldn't do what we do best (Aircraft Carrier)! :lol:

All the best,

Great morning all from rainy KY. Suppose to be much coolerthis weekend! All have a safe and God filled weekend.

Good morning folks,

87 here and supposed to be in high 90's before the days over. Yestrerday it was 104. We are supposed have a cold front come through and cool it down into the 80's for the weekend.

Gotta go get bar-b-qued this afternoon.

BF, good luck with the tourney
Good afternoon everybody,

I figured I better stop in and say hi, as to not jinx myself tomorrow. Heading down into Maryland tomorrow to do some fishing.
