Good morning NTOWS.......Saturday

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Steve Hutson

Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. Low 80's, scattered light rain. Two more hours and I'm off duty for 12 hours. See ya when I get back tonight.

Morning Steve and everyone. Have agreat weekend and rip some lips if you get out.
Good morning,

My grandson is leaving today and I've got bronchitus or pnuemonia, waiting for the doc to call.

Y'all have a greeat God filled day.

Good Morning all. Too dang hot to go fishing so I'm just hanging out in the Lazyboy watching Saturday morning fishing shows and playing with my son's new Apple laptop. Pretty cool little computer, especially with the wireless connection. He tells me he can just drive around in a neighborhood and get a wireless connection and get on the internet.

I guess it's true what I've read about Bass Center being cancled...too bad it was one of my favorite Saturday morning shows. I guess we'll get more shows about two dumbasses driving around on motorcycles and making wisecracks to each other. And so it goes.

