Good Morning NTOWS - Happy Thursday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. Zero dark early here at Anna and can't sleep due to a bad cold. Figured I get to post the morning call before anyone else.

Gettin' the boat back tomorrow (today) from the shop where they had to replace the water pump / impeller. Engine overheat alarm so I shut it off and had to wait for the shop to get to it. They had over 400 (yes, 400) boats to winterize and they are now down to 40 to go. Average price for winterization is $250 - 400 so they did alright except that they couldn't get to my boat for two weeks.

I pulled the lower unit down to see if I could replace it myself but the impeller was seized on the shaft, key was gone and it was more than I wanted to tackle.

Eveyone have a great day and Happy New Year.

Bill in VA
Good morning Bill in VA and everyone else. 5 hours to go until time to go home!
I am ready to go home now... Not sure why I even came in today. Cold, flu, something is kicking my butt....................

Morning all...

I'm still hanging onto a cold from Christmas Eve... so I know how you feelBill...

I start four days of sitting in a booth at the Arlington Park Sports Show... Anybody from here that goes... Look me up in the NIWC booth (Northern Illinois Walleye Club) on the second floor in the Fishing Clubs Area... near the seminar area. Friday, Greg Bohn will be in our booth around 4-5:00 PM....
Morning; You all are up way to early. Pouring rain here alnog with a mixture of everything,

rain, sleet and snow. Yuk:(
Good morning folks, it's 40 here and we are supposed to have some flurries here this evening. The new pain meds have me going goofy, wanting to sleep all the time ad unable to function so I quit them and I am hurting real bad this morning but I have to go t work anyways. I have some deadlines to meet then I am coming ho,e to sleep some more.

Y'all have a great day

Bill, left you a message. Was wanting to see if I could come out this Saturday. Will be my last chance before March to go. I have tackle show starting the 12th for 2 months. Thanks Bill.

Morning all, moving slow this AM. Nice today, but colder soon. In the 20's this weekend early, and only to the 40's during the day. Our winter has been really strange so far.

Gunny - You are more than welcome to come this Saturday. I will leave a pass under the doormat.

Good luck!
Mornin' all. 39 now and looking for it to turn cold tomorrow. God bless and have a safe day.

Good Mornin' to the everyone seems to be sick or hurting club.. It's a beautiful day here and I should be on the water but I just got up. Like JDJ all I want to do is sleep but mine is becuase the Docs want me to. I hope you all feel better soon. There are a LOT of 24 hour virus and flu like stuff running rampant around here. Remember pleanty of rest, drink lots of liquids, HEY, I heard that:D

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Afternoon all! Another bee-yoo-tee-full winter morning in the N Ga mtns.!! A great day to be alive and on the pond. Hope y'all have a good'un!!
Gunny - I never touch the stuff but I appreciate the thought! Just come on down and enjoy yourself on Saturday.
How bad was it Bill?

You feelign better?

Sue is sick now too..and jsut before I leave for Hawaii too....
Bill B, are you having a relapse or just an illness that you need sleep to combat? We will keep the prayers headed your way.

Carlos - Not too bad. The impeller was seized on the shaft and they had to cut it away. Both sides of the water pump units were ruined due to heat. They fixed everything, changed the lower gear lube (no water or metal). Water pressure is better than it ever was. $200 bucks wasn't too bad after almost 4 years. That's all the service I have had done on the boat since I bought it. Of course, that doesn't include all the stuff I do as routine maintenance. I am not going to complain.

Feeling a little better but just a lousy chest / sinus cold.

If Sue is sick why don't you just take her to Hawaii with you so she can get some R&R in the beautiful islands. Too much TAD without your bride is not good for you. You didn't spend as much time away when you were in uniform.