Good Morning NTOWS - Happy Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning to all! Jim C and friends are on their way down to the lake for some fishing. Weather is supposed to be in the mid 70s with thunderstorms late in the day.

Everyone have a great day and if we do well we will post some pics later tonight!
Morning : Light rain and windy here. Still going to load the row boat and go fishing.:):(
Sunny and 85 with a light breeze...full moon last night I can't believe I'm wasting time here. Seeeeeeee Ya @ the lake.

Good morning everyone and good luck at the lake! 3 hours to go until time to go home for the day. Sunny and in the high 60's here today. Wish that I was off this weekend. :(

Good morning,

Weather is nice here today and I don't feel to bad. I'd love to put the boat in the water today but I'm not sure I'm up to it by myself and I don't have any help today. Oh well maybe next weekend will be better.

Y'all have a great day.
Morning everyone and have a great weekend.supposed to be a rainy weekend here in pa but i think the weatherman is wrong again.
Good Mornin' Everyone.. It's a pretty day here right now but they're calling for thunderstorms later.

JDJ, same as me my friend. I'm a little scared to go by myself. My balance and equilibrium just isn't what it's supposed to be and I'd hate to take a dive without someone to pull me back in. Or at least wave goodbye as I sink.:huh:

Greg Walters, Good to see you at least have time to say hello. You haven't done anything but work for quite a while. I hope you get some time to fish and do what you want this summer.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy

3 - 6 inches of rain expected, 50 deg, with some wind in Mass this weekend. I'll just have to watch all of Bass Center this morning and assemble my BassPro order.
