Good Morning NTOWS - Happy Monday

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Monin' all:cool:

Smallmouth season is here!:D

Although we're gonna' get snow tommorow:eek:
Morning: Another bright sunny day, but cold. (18 Degrees) Suppose to warm up by this weekend into the low 40's.:)
Good mornin' everyone. Sunny and bright but a little chilly here. I'm going to uncover the boat today and see if any critters made it their winter home. I got a mess of new rods and reels this past winter (note I said PAST winter) so I'm going to get them ready because I WANT TO GO FISHING!!!!

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy

p.s. Bubby, I forgot to say thanks for always looking out for me and JDJ. I certainly appreciate it..
Blizzard in Kansas:(. It is spring break here and I took the second half of the week off to go fishing. Latest forcast says 12 to 18 inches with 35mph winds. At least it will help stop our drought. Have a good one, Chris F.
Good morning folks,

It's about 41 and raining here this morning. Traffic to N'ville wil be miserable but that is standard when it rains or snows around here. It oughta be fun going to get lab work for the super gluing tomorrow too.

Y'all take care and have a great day.

Mornin' ! Rain and sleet coming down at the moment. Chance of snow tonight/tomorrow.
Good morning

Everything is closed but my school. Gonna get about 14 inches of snow. Where was this durning pheasant season when it was seventy!


Our Spring Break is the week of April 3rd. Hopefully the weather will be REAL Spring weather