Good Morning NTOWS - Happy Monday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good mornin'. A nice day coming up with temps in the upper 40s with winds to 5 mph. Toxic and I are going to hit the lake in a little while and see if we can pick up a mess of them bassus fish.

Couldn't sleep with this stupid cough so am up early (again). Now that the news says that cough syrup doesn't do anything for you I am leary of taking any so I am suffering with this nagging tickle in my throat.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Oh, Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day to all those who have the day off and for those locations that celebrate Lee - Jackson Day and also have the day off.
Good Morning and all have a good day, I will I got it off, Just so cold here not much to do, maybe start going through the gear. Take care.
Mornin... Have fun on the Lake guys, for those of us stuck at work today. Traffic was less than normal.. Thats a blessing.

Good morning everyone. Hope you have a great day.....for a Monday...;)
Morning all: Sub zero this morning. how do you say chilllllllllllllllly
Good Morning everyone. In the forties and overcast here today. Looks like a good day for fishing since I have the day off but I hurt so bad I will just sit here and watch the old westerns channel all day I guess.

Y'all have a great day

Good morning

Fourties and windy in S.W.Iowa. More quail died for the cause this weekend.

Good morning everyone, supposed to be around 57 here today and partly cloudy.

My wife and both boys are either off work or out of school for MLK day, so we are going to do the family movie/ out to eat thing. At least that's what my wife said last night. It's my regular day off, so I'll get a comp. day to take when ever I want.

Hang in there JDJ, were still praying and pulling for you!

Mornin' all! Sunny and slight breeze here. Suppose to get in mid-50's, rain later today, severe thunderstorms tomorrow.
Good mornin' everyone.. A little chilly here and the sun keeps trying to come out. My brother-in-law is in the hospital in Baltimore so Nancy and I are going to try and get up there.

Old westerns channel ??? Geeezzz JDJ, we don't have that here darn it.:angry:

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy