Good Morning NTOWS - Happt Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning to all. Invitational today and just waiting for the "boys" to show up. Little cookout after fishin'. Weather is suppposed to be beautiful so hopefully we will have a good day on the water.

Just nine more days 'til Christmas!
Morning Bill and all,Bill have a great time on the water.I am going ot be busy this morning skinning caribou that my buddy and his cousin shot when they went up in canada for a caribou hunt.Everyone have a great weekend
Good morning. It's like spring around here. High temperature is suppose to be in the mid 70's today. I'm going fishing for the second time this week. It's crazy weather for just 10 days before Christmas.

Good morning all :wacko: Everyone have a great day & good luck Bill;)
Good morning everyone... Bill, say hi to alll from me...
Great warm morning all from Ky. All have a safe and God filled day and weekend.

Good morning everyone. Been out Christmas shopping wth Mrs. volzfan59, uuuuuggggggghhhhh. Came home for lunch, then the bell will ring for round 2. Please pray for me!

Good Evening everyone! Night 2 of Hannukah!! Night 1 Family got me 5lbs tin of chocolate covered goodies (popcorn, pretzles...), Tonite they got me a $50 BassPro gift card and a gift Cert for a smoke lens for my FishHedz!!!

After Sunday school i'm off with the boys to Bass Pro!!!