Good Morning NTOWS - Another Monday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Well, here it is Monday morning again and I just got up with a coughing fit from this stupid cold so I thought I might as well post.

Good morning everyone. Hope you have a great day. I am going fishing in a couple of hours and hope to catch a few. Temps in the low 60s but winds at 17 mph. Gotta love this January weather. Can't decide whether to fish the hot or cold side of Lake Anna. Hot side was pretty good to Gunny on Saturday as he said he and a buddy caught about 35 (mostly dinks), but a fish is a fish some days so hopefully I can get into a few.

Bruce F - If you are in work I hope you are having a good night and hope you are enjoying your coffee cup after a two year absence at my house! LOL

My cough woke me up as well... So, I checked my e-mail and then was going to shut this thing down... But, I was going to try and beat everybody to the early post and guess what... You beat me to it by a few minutes... Too funny!

Well.. Morning all...
Bill in Va-

If youre available, and willing, I can go Tues AM, if youre up for some company !
Morning...... LOL with Bill from VA. That cup is safe at home again Thank You. It's next ride will be to Fla in a few weeks, just hope I remember to bring it home....

Mornin' all! Guess I didn't scroll down far enough to see this post before making mine :rolleyes: . Have a good one! :)
Back from fishing already. Winds at 20+ so went to the cold side. Nothing doing and just continued to blow me around.

Ken S - Can't do Tuesday as we are back in the swing with the publication. Sorry! :(
Good morning all.. My 1st full week since middle Dec at work.. yuck... All have a safe and God filled day..

Good Mornin' everyone..It's still gray and ugly here but not too chilly. It seems like a lot here have colds or a virus. I've been drinking tea and sucking on Cold Eeze all morning because I feel like I'm coming down with something too. Everyone around me has had something and I thought I was in the clear....but I guess not. I hope everyone feels better soon.

Everybody have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy