Good Mornin' NTOWS

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good mornin' Uncle Billy - Getting ready to head down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for the week. Weather may be OK for us but will be in the lower sixties all week with a chance of rain on Wednesday. A week of much needed R&R. Will be thinking of all the folks on the board since I am not planning on taking my laptop. LOL

Everyone have a great week and when I get back we can hook up for some fall fishing at Lake Anna since I have a major kitchen pass until January when we start selling the book again for the Spring Edition.

Bill in VA
Morning Bill Have a great time It's In the 40s here and windy..Went from summer to winter In one day.....JR:(
Mornin' all! Overcast, chilly, and damp here. Chance of intermittent rain today. :(
Good morning everyone. You forgot to say SATURDAY Bill. Rainy cold and downright crappy here this morning which is why I probably slept in so late. Boy did it feel good too.:) Nancy and went to get something to eat and play some Keno when she got home from work. We won enough to pay for our dinner (not including the tip) so it was a nice evening. When I got home I noticed the pump in my pond filter was not working. After messing with it in the cold and rain I realized it was kaput so I have to go get one this morning. I can't have anything happen to "Bubba". Bubba is a Koi I bought about 6 years ago and was about as big as my thumb and is now about three pounds.

I'm not doing an "Official" Good Mornin' thread so if nobody has any luck fishing it's not my fault.:rolleyes:

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Hey Uncle Billy, went out for 7 hours yesterday afternoon/evening, nothing to show but 2 dinks! So since i'm not fishing today, I don't need the good luck!! :lol:
Good morning everyone. Almost time to go home and sleep for a few hours.

Hey Uncle Bill, todays Saturday not Sunday, you didn't over do it on the meds did you lol;)? When you say your not doing an "Official" good morning, your just talking about today, right?

Everyone have a safe day,
