Good Mornin' NTOWS - Wednesday - Where is Uncle Billy

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
What's the scoop here. Uncle Billy is feeling better and better every day and now he doesn't get up early anymore to post his messsage. We may have to fire him and get somebody else.


Pleasant here at Lake Anna this morning with a low of 45 and a high coming in right around 70 today. Went out for a while yesterday on the hot side and it was so windy I had to stay in the back coves. Nothing hitting much and only managed about 4 dinks.

Everybody have a great day and keep JDJ in your thoughts and prayers.


Bill in VA
Dunno....I'm an early early riser especially in fall and winter...UNCLE BILLY?:blink:

Dale Hollow was awesome even though it was practically no wind for three days:cool:
Mornin' all! Early riser myself, TEE; 0430 every morning, then (if I remember) I do my morning post from work. Y'all have a good one!:)
Good mornin' everyone. Now, why should I get up at those ridiculously early times when I don't have to? Ok Bill in VA, you can fire me but then the biggest portion of the curse will fall right on your head...:cool: I'm kinda sorry you said better and better every day because I have to go to the Docs later today. For some reason I have started getting really dizzy (no jokes) and naseous. I guess my meds may have to be adjusted.

JDJ, prayers are still going out.

Trepper, I hope you feel better.

Uncle Billy
Morning everyone.

A 4:30 AM riser here as well! :wacko: Maybe Uncle Billy was all wore out from catching too many fish. At least it was a "Bill" that started the Good Mornin' NTOWS post so maybe it will count as official.

We finally got some rain yesterday! The weatherman got it wrong as he said the showers would stay well south of us and he actually apologized for it this morning - not something you see and hear everyday on TV. Yesterday was also the first day of physical therapy for my knee and I am sure feeling it this morning but that's all a part of it getting better. Prayers go out too all of the others who are recovering from our various illnesses and injuries.

Greg Walters at Humminbird

[email protected]

Uncle Billy...For you to be an old timer, you should stop believing in that crap!:blink:

Stop that junk and you'll feel better...promise!;)
Tee, you have to tell me what you're taling about before I can respond. What "crap"?,

the curse or the medication?

Good morning everyone. Sunny and gonna be a warm one in Iowa, 70 degrees

HAHAHAHA Oh, The curse! THE CURSE!!!! I do hope you realize that this whole curse thing is just a JOKE!

There is another board where the people up early said Good Morning. I thought it was a good idea for here and started doing it. Then I found that a LOT of people would come on and not bother to say good morning to their 'family". So I invented the curse to get them to be involved. It was easier and nicer than calling them names and yelling at them for being snobs.

I also found some time back that when anyone else started a good morning thread I would get e-mails about whether I was going to do an "official" good morning thread.:) I had to explain that Bill in VA the first time he did it. I was getting into a quandary about what to do.:eek:

Now the cat is out of the bag... I certainly hope you're proud of yourself.:D
