Good Mornin' NTOWS - Tuesday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. It should be a beautiful day. Low 80's, sunny and low humidity. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. Nancy and just stayed around the house and read by the pool. I had a horrible day yesterday that turned into a bad night. No rhyme or reason to any of this. I do have an appointment today with my neurologist but I have lost all faith in this guy so we'll see what he has to say today.

I'm getting really tired of the blame game that's going on in regard to hurricane Katrina. The press has always gotten on my nerves but now they're out of control it seems. It seems to me that all of the people who have flooded into the ravaged areas are doing a hell of a job.

Just my opinion.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
good morning bill and everyone else.

hope everyone had a good weekend.

Morning all! Time to go see what the pond looks like after all the crazies were on it this weekend. Y'all have a good 'un!
Good Morning everyone

Diana and I went out Sunday afternoon and bought a few boxes of food and baby food to drop of at the church for shipping to the victims of katrina. They hope to have th truck full by Wednesday and down thier be Thursday evening. We were going to take the boat out yesterday but my wife asked me to put some shelves up and do a few othr things around the house. Since it has been months since I have felt up to doing anything I decided it woul be better to get some of those things done before I start chemo today, a lot cheaper than boat gas too.:rolleyes:

Bil I hope you get some onswers from the Doc and start feeling better.

I am starting chemo today and I am coughing up a lot of red stuff this morning. Had it under control the last several days but it is back for some reason this morning.

Y'all take care and have a great day
Good morning everyone. Fourth interview with BPS today. I'm applying for a part time job not the CEO spot.

Good morning all....gonna work on my cabin for a few phone or internet....probably better that way....I'll get more work done!

Bob G.
Morning or I should say almost afternoon. Busy here at work this morning, plus a gorgeous day outside. :)
Hey JDJ....

Everybody here is thinking about you and the start of the chemo... Keep us posted.... You are in mu thoughts and prayers...
Bill and JDJ - Keep your chin up, we're all pulling for ya, and just let us know what we can do to help!

Well.... Its my BIRTHDAY!!! Yup 39 today and already got my birthday present 2 weeks ago!! Gotta work sometime today unfortunetly, but Beka's taking me to lunch, we'll all go to dinner, then a hot tub and a cold beer tonite! Fishing on Sat for the first time on the Nitro, can't wait!

Thanks Trep and happy burpday to ya. Is this the first time ya turned 39? :D

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