Good Mornin' NTOWS - Tuesday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone.. Good grief look at the time! I guess the lack of sleep for the past few days finally caught up to me. I'm getting my first look at the devastation that Katrina visited on Mississippi. They are warning people to look out for snakes and alligators that may have washed up into residential areas. I'd love to get back to my maybe detsyored home only to have an alligator there..

Very hot and muggy here this morning so it will probably be a stay inside day. I may find the results to the spinal tap today that I had Friday so I have to wait for the doctor to call.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Good morning everyone

I'm having a rough morning so far, Bill I hope you get good news on your tap today.
Good morning Bill. What do you have on tap? Bill Lite? sorry.

Have a good one. Everyone have big plans for Labor day weekend.

Good morning everyone. Man, I sure feel for those folks effected by Katirna. I saw this morning some guy that had to go to his roof with his wife, kids and possibly grand-kids. The house broke in two leaving the wife in the water. He said that he was holding her hand but the current/ wind was pulling her pretty hard. She told him to let go and to take care of the kids and grand kids. With that, she let go and has not been seen or heard from since.

Why don't people listen to the mandintory evacuation orders? There is nothing that the bank and I own that is worth risking the lives of my family. That's why Allstate sends me Christmas cards every year.
Mornin' Bill. Hope you get good news, or better news from the doc.

Morning all! Been up since 6 am running my Husky like a wild man. Had one 40" dia. oak cross my driveway. I mean smack dab in the middle, half way to the road, half way to the house. (Only way in/out.) Stood out in the monsoon sawing and slinging wood to get my little boy to school. He thought it was cool. I hope everyone else is doing much better!
Mornin' all... not too rough here in northern 'Bama; cept for the powerlines startin' a fire at 4 AM next to my privacy fence...:eek:

No coffee for me today, had no problems waking up:blink:...

A lot of people in New Orleans don't have cars. They rely on mass transit. I'm sure some of the low income have no resources to flee to. It's sad but a fact. There should have been evacuation provisions for those people. Maybe there was but the Superbowl was hardly the right place. They guessed this could happen sometime so what happened?
