Good Mornin' NTOWS - Thursday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good Mornin' everyone. Hey, this feels like the old days.:) I'm just up late because I can't sleep. I have an appointment in the a.m. with a new Doctor and I'm a little nervous about it. I've seen so many of them I don't think many are left... I also can't sleep because I'm in a fight with someone over on the BBC board and I should just shut up but I can't. I don't suffer fools well. It's not a bad site over there but it's nowhere near as nice as here.

Ok, I'm going to try and go to bed now.

Everyone have a great and safe day..

Uncle Billy

Good morning Uncle Bill and everyone else. Your right Bill, this does seem like the old days. Don't let someone that you don't know and will probably never meet get under your skin. I have to keep telling myself the same thing. I try not to get into internet arguements, but sometimes it just happens.

I wish that all sites were like this one, but then again, I do remember.......

Monin' all:cool:

Just shrug it off Bill and keep on truckin';)
Morning All: Nice bright sunny morning here in Northern New York. Wishin I was Fishin thats for sure. Good luck at your appointment today Bill. :):D
Good morning everyone! Bill, I do not know what the disagreement is about on the other board, but I do know you. I am sure, whatever it is you are only stating what you believe is right. However folks love to argue, even predicting what will happen years from now. If I were you, simply state enough said, and be done with it.

Morning all, Rain here in Kansas today. The fishing report for the local lake says the walleye are now on the flats. Hopefully I can get out Saturday and put some in the freezer:). Have a good one, Chris F.
Good morning folks,

Billy stand your ground but don't let them get to you. :D

I went back to the hospital yesterday because the study infusion caused me so much pain I needed to find out what it was. I had get the take care of the pain but they were afraid I was having a reaction to the drug. They did blood and urine labs and cultures then gave me a sac of nornal saline for the dehydration. They wanted to keep me over night but I seen no need in it and came home.

The hospital just called and said the dope maker said I could continue with the study if I wanted to. I getting ready and headed that way now. Hopefully they won
Greate morning all. 2 more days till the wedding and thanks all for the prayers for my family for the wedding and my Papaw. All have a safe and God filled day.


Hang in there... I have such great hope... God Bless...