Good Mornin' NTOWS - Monday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. We're going to have showers in the a.m. but then it's supposed to clear up and get to about 62*. I'd go fishing today if I had anyone to go with. I'm too much of a fraidy cat to go alone while on these meds. I can go down and walk around the vcreek though so maybe I'll do that.

I went to BPS yesterday to pick up some of the stuff they had on sale. Only trouble was most of the sale items were gone.:angry: I've never seen BPS be out of as much stuff as I saw yesterday. One of the salesmen I talked to said Friday was insane with the amount of people scrambling around the store. I've got to get the stuff I missed before Nancy says "Ok, that's it!" :rolleyes:

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Good morning everyone. Bill, I hope you get everything you want from BPS.

Mornin, back at work..........................:wacko:

It may take me all week to catch up.

Mornin' all! The wind is clipping really good here, and the high is expected to be near 70! Highs the rest of the week in the 40's.
Good morning,

64 here and should clear late laterr. I have a D.O.L. grant audit this week and I really don't eve feel like going to work but have no choice.

Y'all have a great day

Good mornnig everyone. Looks like mid 60's here in east TN and we'll be dodging rain and thunderstorms all day. Glad I got the gutters cleaned out yesterday after I got up.

Hang in there JDJ, did you get much sleep last night?

Our new BPS opens tomorrow @ 6: PM, I'm counting down the hours :cool: now!

I got about 2-1/2 hours sleep last night Steve, that makes a total of 5-1/2 hours since I woke up Friday a.m. but I'm getting ready to meet with our D.O.L. grant auditor so maybe I can get some sleep then. :D:lol:;)