Good Mornin' NTOWS - Monday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. Mid 50's and cloudy here today. Yea, I know it's early, or late however you look at it, but I don't care!:angry: I took a two hour nap in the afternoon and now I can't sleep. Nancy warned me but I wouldn't listen to her.. Those ^%$$^&^ Redskins!!!!!:angry::angry: I swear I am not going to let them ruin another Sunday of mine! Of course I've said that about two dozen times but I really mean it this time...:unsure: I'm going to go fishing and not worry about it.

BooHooHoo. :) See, I'm in a better mood already.

I wanted to go to BPS in the morning (Sunday) but Nancy didn't want to go. Sooo, I guess I'll just have to go by myself Monday morning...:rolleyes:

Everyone have a great and safe day, but don't wake me up in the a.m.

Uncle Billy

Geeeez, doing this this early reminds me of the old days..
Well, I should have known I couldn't sleep in. The clock went off at six and I tried to get Nancy to stay home but no deal. At six-thirty, I heard a blood curdling scream and then realized it wasn't dream. I jumped out of bed, as well as I can jump, and went into the hall to see what was up. Nancy was in the bathroom with a plunger trying to stop the toilet from overflowing which it was doing like Niagra Falls. She was doing her best but I would bet she's never used a plunger in her life. I took it from her and stopped the overflow and then got everything working OK. Now she's cleaning up.. I told her she should have stayed in bed.:rolleyes:

Hey Bruce, is there anything special I should be stocking up? I figure I'll get the food the evening before and put it in a cooler. That's the only critical thing I think. I'm glad you have a truck because I have a stack of stuff that's probably good for a week long camping trip.:D

Uncle Billy
Uncle Billy - Unless you have fishin' gear that you just have to have, I have more than enough to outfit everyone coming. So don't worry about your gear if you don't want to. I'll even share my Senko's with you.
Good morning folks

Bill t sounds like you are having an interesting day already
Good morning everyone. Any day above ground is a good day!

Sorry about the 'skins Bill. But how 'bout those Ravens. OH, good morning all.Three day work week. YOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO
Good morning. Snows all melted the temps in the 50ties and soon 60 here is SW Iowa.

A soggy, windy, nasty morning (-ish) here in N GA. Hope y'all are staying warm and dry.