Good Mornin' NTOWS - Monday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone..Low 80's and sunny here today. I'm up a little earlier today but still had a great nights sleep. I just decided to get up with Nancy. Now, after she leaves for work I can go back to bed.:rolleyes: Those pics of the stripers caught this past weekend got my blood boiling. I'm going to get out on the river some time this week for sure and chase after some. Reports are good for stripers at the mouth of South River.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Morning, Uncle Billy are sure you are well enough to chase strippers???? OH nevermind Stripers as in fish... oooopppppssssss

Good morning everyone. The remains of "Rita" are in Knoxville for the day, at least it's only rain. Supposed to really cool off here later this week.

Wet drops from the sky is falling? What in the world will they think of next, frozen drops??? Anyway, you guessed it rain in KY. All have a super nice and safe God filled Monday!

Mornin' all - Bill B., hope to see you out on Lake Anna soon! Rest up as the fishing season still has a long ways to go yet!

Good morning, how y'all doing today?

I had a grea weekend, spent saturday on the lake just playing with my wife and sister and her old man. I may have overdone it a bit though cause I am stil worn out.

Saturday night I started joining the hairless club for men and by this morning it had all fllen out so I am not topless. My wife is having a fit and I think it is funny as hell, less maintenance too.:D
:lol: LOL @ Bruce F.:lol: I'm probably not well enough for either one but strippers are truly out of the question.
