Good Mornin' NTOWS - Happy Thursday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mornin' all. Fall publication is nearly done and the proof is back to the printer so I have a couple of weeks to fish until it's delivered. I am off to slaughter the bassus' on Lake Anna this morning. Chilly here in the mid 50s and I'm lovin' it. Everyone have a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone. Just working Thursday and Friday nights this week and next week. Taking a little time off to catch up on some honey do's and do a little fishing before knee surgery.

Have a good day,

Morning All: Chilly here this morning (38 Degrees). Wishin I was fishing too.

Our Team Trail championship is this weekend. 60% chance of rain and thunder storms Saturday and 70% Sunday. Not going to be a good weekend.:(:)
Morning all. Clear and cool down here in Cajun Country. Heading to ALexandria, La. V.A. Hospital on Friday for a disability consultation. Wish me luck!

Good luck Barry! Morning all from sunny chilly Ky. All be safe and keep God in your daily activities.
