Good Mornin' NTOWS - Happy Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good mornin' Uncle Billy - Guess where I am goin'g this mornin'? Yup! Gonna go and throw some Senko's again. Just a half a day. You'd think I'd go in the afernoon when it was warmer, but nooooooooo, I go when it's 22 degree and dark! LOL

Glad you made it last week and now that you know where we are I don't want you to be a stranger. Bring Nancy over this summer for the Second Annual Lake Anna Family Get Together.

Have a great day everyone!

Bill in VA
morning....Cold and snow drifts now...Good thing the 4x4 will go through anything..It really Is a Great truck and the ride is Just so much better than the ex cab was...Hear that Carlos??? have a great Day..JR
Good morning everyone. I wish that I was going fishing today instead of sleeping.
Bill in VA - I'm right behind ya brother, my partner's gonna be here at 9am (in 55 mins), its 23 out, but we're gonna fish all day if I don't freeze first!!

I'm NOTa hot liquid drinker but gonna have a 16oz mug of 1/2 coffee 1/2 hot chocolate to get me going!

I wanna know how Anna is so post tonite!
Mornin' all! Hope you guys catch a bunch, I'm staying inside where it's warm :)
Good mornin' y'all... Bill, I'm jealous and wish I was going with you.. BUT I think I'd wait until is was warmer in the afternoon.:) Thrust me Bill, I won't be a stranger. I had to much fun to stay away and Nancy has already asked about when the summer get together was.

Boy did I sleep in this morning and it feels great.. I went to the Doctor yesterday and she gave me a "target point" injection in my back. That's a Novacaine needle about two hundred feet long. Well, it was three inches long and hurt like the dickens. I don't know what it was supposed to do because where she injected me hurts worse today than yesterday.

Let me see here, 1/2 coffee and 1/2 hot chocolate? Ughhhhhhh that sounds horrible but that's my man Trepper.:huh:

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Morning folks, 22 here and I sure as heck ain't going out til it gets to at least 40. I have a Christmas Party for our motorcyle riding club to go to tonight but I'm gonna have to feel a lot better first. I'm hoping to be able to get out and install my charger and finish winterizing the boat this afternoon if it warms up.

Y'all crazy fishermen have fun and catch a bunch.
Heading to our office Christmas party at noon. Should be fun and have a couple new toys at the end. Y'all have a good morning and a great day!
Well, it was a bummer of a morning. Launched the boat as normal and ALWAYS check the pee home. Guess what? No water!!!! Got the engine overheat alarm and shut her down. Tried a couple of things to make sure nothing was frozen, but no luck. Either I have a bad water pump or the impeller is shot. Too old to work on it now but if I get a nice day I will tear it down and take a look. Maybe I will even spend some money and take it into the shop. Down side is they are too busy winterizing other peoples boats.

Oh, well. Did fish off the dike for about an hour and picked up about four 2 pounders and then called it a day.

Uncle Billy - No set time for the summer get together but probably in June or early July.

Enjoy the day!

Bill in VA
Bill, did you re try her after letting sit in the warm water for a while? Mine did the same thing last year but after sitting it opened up......When was the last time you had the impeller done?

good morning members 2 days of deer hunting this week and came home with a huge bobcat. well maybee next time ill get the buck i want. now headed to toledo for some fishing

and goD bless everybodys CHRISTMASS TREE.

Bill(s) - Tough day on the lake, didn't help there were THREE, yes 3 club T's on my lake!! Over 50 boats !!!

Got 3 fish today, 1 15 inch 2lb bass, 1 12 inch barely 1 lb bass and 1 5lb 20 inch Hybrid - Guess what we had for Dinner!! mmnnnnn Hybrid bass saute'd with butter and cajun spices!!!! 3 fish not bad, but not great either!

Bill in VA, sorry about the boat, good idea to shut her down and take her home, hopes its just a cheap impeller!