Good Mornin' N.T.O.W.S. - Saturday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good Mornin' Everyone!!

Another Saturday coming and soon to go. Man it seems like the days are going faster and faster. I hope that everyone who is getting out on the water today stays safe and is careful.

Toxic hasn't been on much so I bet he's really busy taking people out fishing. Just don't get too tired and over confident and make a mistake, ok my friend? In fact, ALL of you be careful and go home safe and sound. There are a lot of you who said you'd take me out when I could so I'm going to hold each of you to it.:lol:

Happy Saturday y'all...

Uncle Billy
Hey Uncle Billy!!!

Its almost dinner time here, took the boys out (sent ya a few pics) for a day to give Beka some time to organize our place, we get our big airshipment on Thurs/Fri this week, so we'll have all our stuff.

Hey if anyone wants to get an email from me about Shanghai/China and my travels, let me know. I have a few of the members on my China email group, but don't want to bore all y'all post after post of our adventure. So let me know if anyone wants to get the updates I do every few weeks.

Hope all of you fishing today SLAM THEM!!!

My wife asked me to ask you if your boys might be interested in e-mailing her 4th grade class after school starts. She thinks her class might like to hear from American kids living in a foreign country. Many of her kids are "immigrants" themselves and feel some of the emotions your boys might be feeling.
Greg - I'll ask the boys in the morning, they are not the best for typing (Noah is going into 5th grade and Eli going into 2nd) but if I agree to help type the responses, I think they'll be up for it.

I'll let ya know!

Great idea!
Morning all. Done with all the yard outside work for the weekend. Got to go run some errands, and unfortunately, have some office work to take care of.

Have a great day/weekend - everyone.

Trep - pic's were great (big), but great.

Good morning....opp's I guess it's afternoon now. Busy weekend for us. Our anniversary was yesterday, my birthday is tomorrow, and my daughters birthday is Monday.:eek: I thought about getting out on the lake but the weather's miserable...temperature and humidity are about the same....both in the 90's. It's not worth it to haul to the lake to only fish for three or four hours before the heat and the water skiers run you off.
Afternoon all! Got out early early this morning (saw the sunrise over the Potomac). Got one small one at about 1.5 pounds. Got off by 10am as it was getting hot hot hot! Predicted high in the Mid-Atlantic region for today will be 97F with high humidity to boot. Guess its not so bad being in an overly air conditioned office right now.

Stay cool. J.