Good Mornin' - N.T.O.W.S. - Monday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score

Good Mornin' Y'all..

I'm only up because even though I swore I would never let it get to me again, the Redskins laid down and let Tom Brady and Bill Belichick just grind them up. I don't mind the Patriots kicking a$$ because they look as good as any team I have ever seen but I do HATE dirtball Belichick getting the credit. Geeeezzzz I can't stand him and just the thought he graduated from MY High School makes me sick.

Ok, I have that off of my mind:) Everyone on the water today please be careful and catch as many as you want!

Everybody be safe and careful..

Uncle Billy

Good Morning Uncle Billy,

8pm here just finishing up work, long day! Hope to have a cold beer or 3 in a few mins!!

Good morning to all. The Patriots look to be unstoppable. What a game it will be against the Colts. It hit the 30's in Maryland today. BRRRRRRRRRRR. A good day to all.
Howdy to y'all! The Bo=Sox were awesome... Truly a great moment for them.
Didn't watch more than 2 or 3 minutes of the World Serious this time around. Just didn't seen to interest me that much.

Late saying hello, but maybe I'll catch Trep just getting up!

Got me Tex, checking emails before a shower and an 8am pickup for work today.

Hey, I just caught (about 30 minutes ago), my first Lake Palestine LM. Not a whopper, but a keeper - none the less. chasing shad, and my shad like spinnerbait.

Tex :p

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