Good Monday Morning NTOWS

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JD Johnson

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Good morning folks,

51 degrees with sunshine here in Middle Tennessee so far today.

I've gotta head over to see the docs and get a physical to see if I can stat this new study treatment tomorrow. Please pray that my cold and sinus infection doesn't prevent the start of these treatments.

Y'all have a great day

morning all... JDJ if nthing else... remember it is Monday... My day to worry for you.
Good Morning: Bright sunny day again today. I got toasted fishing this weekend. I'm a true redneck now.(Burned). Our crappie tournament saturday we tagged and released over 600 crappie. Even made the local news due to our support to the local "Black Lake" Chamber of Commerce and their annual tagged crappie-thon. Clubs going to do it again next weekend, but the chamber of commerce is putting up the prizes.:);)
Great morning all from sunny KY! All have a safe and God filled day, hang in there JDJ. God bless and protect you and all.

Thanks everyone, still got the physical to do tomorrow but after todays lab stuff and discussion it don't look to bad.

One little glitch so far, the dope company does not allow folks with my type of tumors to participate in this study. They tend to bleed and the dope for the study works so well on the tumors and cells that they tend to cause bleeding. There is an exception or two though. If the tumor is of a certain size, below 3.1cm, which we believe mine are and if they are not close to an artery then I can still participate. My doc is the one conducting the study and he thinks there should be no problem but we had to send my scans and reports to the dope manufacturer for thier decision. Either we will do something for treatment starting tomorrow provided I agree with the alternative if it is neccessary because we do not know if I qualify for the study yet. It's a liability thang for the dope makers.

It's all in God's hands and he has been awful good to me so far and my faith says he will continue to be, whatever HIS will will be done
JDJ... good luck... I am praying that you "get in" on the study.
God Bless JDJ..........

Bassin Fool......wear your DAMN sunscreen.....!!! Go reread my health update posts....u do not want to be cut up like I was...!!!
Thanks Smitty, I will but a top for the boat and wear my sun screen.

How are you doing by the way?
Afternoon all. Spent the day sitting in a courthouse waiting to testify in a trial.

Fun Fun Fun :wacko:

Still have to go back for a few more days yet.:(
I'm doing well so far, I've got one more brain scan to go before I get the all clear on that front. That will take place at the beginning of June.

I must continue my follow ups to the oncologist and dermotoligist. Dermo will be for the rest of my life...and the oncologist will be until he gives me the all clear.

So far so good on the physical front...I'm a little stressed out and anxious in regards to my (hopefully) final brain scan. I commend you for the strength you display here everyday...keep up the good are one helluva tough guy in my book....!!! God Bless...


I'm glad to hear you are doing well with your battle. My strength ALL comes from God and his word. I know I will be here until he is done with me and then I will be called home. That makes it a win win situation for me. :)

Take care and kep us posted on your final scans.

Don't let that "brain scan" scare you... it can see even the smallest of brains.... LOL

Seriously, my thoughts and prayers are with you... Things sound good, so hang in there...
JDJ... if they found one... must have been a mixup at the lab.... LOL