Going to look at 'Retirement Community' on Friday

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Well, since the wife and I are getting closer and closer to retirement, and our housing situation will be changing (looks like the short sale will likely go through - again); we decided that we needed to start taking a much closer look at what we want to do. In short, we are in an apartment (plus off site storage of most of our 'stuff') in the DFW area - we needed to think about our next and hopefully last home purchase. Probably won't happen for another year, but we're trying to plan it.

Therefore, we will spend most of the day Friday touring Robson Ranch in Denton, TX. This is one of the many 55+ (or thereabouts) retirement communities around. They have most all of the usual ammenities (pool(s), golf, tennis, etc) along with a full wood working shop; ceramics/pottery shop (complete with kiln's), and other activities.

I would appreciate any specific feedback that some of you may have had (either directly or through friens/family) on these types of communities. While we will visit the one in Denton, Robson has a number of them around the country including New Mexico. We still think that we would both enjoy retirement in NE Arkansas, but we're not set as yet.

Tex, can't comment on the area or the company, but my mother lives in a 55+ plus community in central Florida. We visit there a few times a year.

My mother is extremely happy in her community. It's gated, with a manned security entrance, so the safety factor is high. There is a clubhouse with a dining room, a garden club, crafts clubs, shooting clubs, golf leagues, lots of recreational facilities that are great for when the grandkids visit: Golf course, tennis courts, a couple of pools, excercise facility, bocce court, shuffleboard, volleyball. In other words, it's very geared toward people who have plenty of time on their hands and want to keep busy. My mom cares for my 102 year old grandmother. There are activities she can take my grandmother to in a golf cart without ever leaving the community, which eases the burden.

A lot of folks have RVs and leave for months at a time, or go visit relatives for extended stays, so not everyone is around all the time. During spring and Xmas breaks, lots of grandkids show up to visit. I suspect that is true for many retirement communities.

It's a great concept and very worthwhile for someone who desires that type of environment.
Thanks Rich for the feedback. We have most of Firday planned, and are very interested in actually seeing the facilities and the options. They have just introduced a 'Cottage Series' of homes that are smaller (1,200-1,600 sq ft or so)that we have the most interest in.

We enjoyed our trip (most all day long) and the complimentary lunch at the grill (golf course). However, to sum it up in three words:

Too Many Rules

They have rules there for everything. And I mean everything. We found a model home (just less than 1500 sq ft) that we really liked, but just too many rules that will pretty much put a cramp in various lifestyles. Sure would change ours. Here are a few.

No boats (yeah, that's a pretty big one for sure)

No trailers

No RV's

No parking in the driveway or on the street - anytime. You have to park in your garage.

Anything that you want to change/build, has to go to the homeowners association. Very strict and pretty much run by the community.

Woodworking shop is great - but you cannot just come over anytime and use it. You must have someone that is trained, to act as a Safety Monitor. Not a bad rule, but could certainly put a crimp.

Fences have to be wrought iron and of course approved.

If I park both my wife's SUV and my truck in the garage, I have no space for anything else.

To buy a home takes $15,000.00 down (earnest money) to sign the contract. Another $15,000.00 when the 'design phase' of the home is done. Etc, etc, etc.

How the plus side, it was a nice area, well maintained and looked pretty good. Golf course is public, and homeowners can play for a discount ($35.00 a round). Pools (in and out); tennis; basketball; fitness; etc.

Just not our cup of tea.


My big brother lived in a 55+ community here in the Annapolis area and while he first really liked he ended up after about six months really hating it! Most of the hate was over most of the rules you cited plus even more. It really ticked him off as to how many of his 'neighbors' would literally walk around the community looking for any sort of violation they could. He couldn't have any bushes or trees higher than his windows. When he got home from work one day he caught one of his neighbors with a four-ft level checking all of window bushes:lol: I know what I would have done with that level.:eek: He also had to use his garage to 'hide' his vehicles but they had a high fenced in area where he could keep his boat and motor home. The trouble was that area was away from everything and thieves would climb the fence and steal stuff from the boats and anything else they could get into. It looks like a great place to live and I was thinking seriously of moving there when I could until he told me all of the problems he had. And they were all "people" problems.. Good Luck.

Uncle Billy
Tex, maybe check out similar properties by other builders. My mother's community certainly has rules, but not as severe as what you describe. She can park in her driveway. She doesn't need approval for her gardening acivities. She routinely makes changes to the flora and fauna in her yard. They do have a dedicated boat/rv storage lot, and you can't store a boat in your yard or driveway, but that's a typical HOA rule in many places.
Thanks for all the feedback. Certainly, I can understand the need for rules, but I think for us this has 'sharpened' our analysis on what we really want.
