Going Racing!! (I hope)

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Am I the luckiest gal in the world or what? I was just invited by my Dad to an all expense paid trip to Miami Florida to attend the Marlboro racing school at Homestead in February. Marlboro puts this school on to "promote" their name and reward their customers. My dad gets to go and invited me.

You get to actually learn to drive IROC cars and 2 other kinds of race cars, a modified Mustang I think and something else. You get fitted for a racing suit, shoes, helmet, the whole works and out to the track you go (with alot of instruction I hope). I know someone that went thru the school awhile back and he said it was an opportunity of a lifetime if you like racing or feel the need for speed. Oh and the best part....they pamper the heck out of you.

Now....I just have to convince my boss to give me 2 days off in a few weeks. Not sure of my chances since I will only be there about 3 months by then but I am polishing those lips tonight to kiss some bootie tomorrow. Ha!

Here are the cars you race. I looked it up.
O-o-o-oh, Ter-r-r-r-i-i-i-i-i.....

Are you going to have FUN!

As some of the guys here know, I did a bit or amateur sports car stuff back in my 20's and early-30's..... There is NOTHING like diving a car into a turn, slipping the stick down a couple of gears, being thrown against the sides of the seat, feeling your head getting thrown to the outside of the turn, tickling the gas forward as you start to exit and then full throttle down the straightaway! Friends tell me that they could actually hear me yelling "GO! GO!! GO!!!" to my car in the straights!

And some of today's factory "hot" cars are faster and hold the turns better than the race prepared cars 25 years ago!


Waht I wouldn't do get back into that.....

HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!!!!

My boss just approved my vacation. Woo-hoo!!! I feel the need....the need for speed!!!

I am pretty jazzed up about this. My Dad and I rarely do anything together so this will be something I will be able to keep with me in the memory tank.

I will take lots of pictures to share!
Sweet! The time spent w/your dad will be as much fun as racing :)

Nothing better than a hot babe in a fast car !!!!!

Sounds like an awesome time !!!!

Don't forget the pictures.

BTW...I finally got the remark about the toad in the Steelers hat.....I owe ya' one..LOL
Teri, As you may know from some of my past posts and reply's, I used to race stock cars in the middle TN area. I always wanted to go to one of those schools. You are going to have a blast!

Just get ready, you may catch "the bug". Then you will sell your boat to build a car and start racing.

Have fun!
I had a boss that went to one and loved it. When it was his turn to run the track, he said he thought he was flying, setting all sorts of records, turned out he was in the bottom half of his class!!

Rich D
Steve R., a bit slow on the toad joke. I thought it was very clever. Ha!

I don't think I will get the "racing bug". I've been around Indy (CART/IRL) racing all my life. I will leave all the broken bones and enormous expenses to someone else.
My brother in law got invited on one of these Marlboro trips a few months ago. He took my other brother in law and they went up to Wyoming I think and did the whole dude ranch thing. When they got back they had all kinda neat stuff like watches, jackets, cowboy hats....etc. They said they were treated like kings. The funny part was neither of them smoked so they had to make up excuses the whole trip. It seems my brother in law had filled out some promotional deal back when he was in college and every year he would get a birthday gift package. Last year he was chosen as one of the loyal customers who got invited on the trip, so he went.
