God Bless America

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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Let us not forget those who fell on 9-11. Also remember the troops who are fighting overseas now to keep us free.

I for one will NEVER FORGET !

Fly those flags boys and girls!

As an AIr Force veteran, I have an American flag flying 24/7. We must never forget the ones that serve our country, no matter what they do. I pray daily for the ones that gave the ultimate price for freedom. God bless them all.

Barry from La.
I'll never forget.:( And I'll always realize what our brave soldiers give to me and my family every day.

While at work today a local radio host was wondering why there was such a big deal made about 9-11. He said there has been 500,000 innocent Iraqis killed so far, yet we make such a fuss over the 3,000 that got killed on 9-11. Why do we think that we are so much more important than them ???

I came within seconds of kicking the radio right out of the dashboard of my truck I was so p1$$ed off.:angry: Caught myself just in time, and did ALOT of cursing at the radio. I'd imaging anydody that saw me at the time thought I was nuts.

500,000 innocent Iraqis mostly killed by their own stupid people. Maybe without us it would be 1,000,000 dead Iraqis. GOD BLESS AMERICA and our TROOPS!!!
God Bless them ALL!!! I pray for all of our brave young men and women every day, especially those in harms way..I hate that some of our young ones die every day over there. I think I would hate it even more if we pulled out to see how many thousands of innocent Iraqis would perish.

Uncle Billy

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