Glad its over

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
The Banquet was a BLAST.

My date was well how do I say it.....ummmmm...DULL....I don't know. Her family is a little wierd. I didn't have a whole lot of fun when I was at her house.

I am glad its over. Maybe next year I will ask someone who is "normal" (not trying to say who I took was not normal...if you know what I mean).

Its off to bed....gotta get up for fishing

Glad you had a good time.

Just so you know....every girl's family is weird. Wait till you marry one....they get REEEEALLY weird. It's what makes life interesting.

Lets solve this real quick then.....I WON"T GET MARRIED! ;)

So, did ya kiss her? Tell all... us old married geezers ain't allowed to kiss no one new, so we ferget all about it.
If kissing is YUCK, you're right, you'll never get married :).

Look on the bright side... I didn't ask about the turtle :)
You guys are HORRIBLE!!

BJ, next year, get your sister to fix you up with one of those snow bunny friends of her's! Her family will probably still be weird. She will probably still be dull. But she'll look GOOD on your arm and you'll be the envy of every other guy!
Oh yea, you'll get married. Then about five years after that you'll be posting on here saying, "why didn't you guys tell me NOT to get married". So just save these posts BJ:)


Im 42 single and I dont have to ask anyone if can go fishing.When I find a woman that likes to go I will think about it.Everbody I work with has been divorced at least once.Whats the hurry!

The sooner you get married, the sooner you can get your first divorce!!! LOL!!!

Not everyone has to ask their spouse if they can go hunting or fishing. My wife doesn't hunt or fish and I don't have to ask. Choose your spouse wisely.

Bob G.
Did somebody mention my name?

I make a lot of jokes about married life and how I wish I were single but I just want to go on record that it's all just joking around. Without my wife I'd be living off the Army....The Salvation Army. She is not an outdoors person so she never wants to go fishing with me but she will always suggest that I go whenever I want. If there's work to do around the house she will ask for help or do it herself. She see's the importance of my time with our son, Andy, and my need to get out of the house and do something that makes me happy. I have never once had her give me any crap about going fishing. She's a little mistified at why I need 67 spinnerbaits or countless packages of soft plastics but never a whimper.

I told her the other day that I was in love with a married woman....I didn't even get a rise, she knew who I was talking about.

Why are girls and marrage so confusing as you mke them sound?????

LOL @ Dewey

Marriage is AWESOME! Of course, that's assuming you've found the right woman. With the wrong woman, it's not so great and slides backwards into pure BFHP :).

Find an ugly woman you hate, give her half of everything you own and you can tell everyone you're divorced :).
If you haven't figured it out yet i am more into FISHING than girls.......

BUT tomorrow (sunday) There are two girls coming over to my house to work on a english project that is due this week. One is very nice and cute. The other well she is so annoying...bossy and all.
Oh was stupid stuff like:

"I'll be right back, Britt (one of my good friends froms school) just came in and i'm going to go say hi."

"No, stay over here you can say hi to him in a little bit"


"A group of us is going out to look at the golf course from the balcony. (I would love to learn golf but am too busy with fishing)."

"Why, you don't even play golf, stay in here besides Paige and Adam just came in and lets see what they are up to"

For the Okies on here the Banquet was held at Gailardia Golf and Country Club.
