get a hobby

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I was looking through some of the profiles today...WOW. Some of ya'll need a hobby! Tox has over 4000 posts in 2 years! and Me!/staci has over 6000 and countless others have over 1000!. Do ya'll just sit at home and stare at a computer for hours on end??? Ok i do someti...well...alot.


I'm married with two kids.With the cold weather,and the kids chasing me away from the TV (which is often),this is where I come to hide.

It's too cold to sit in the boat and go "VROOM,VROOM"

Come on spring,went from 75 degrees on friday to one inch of snow on monday.
I check it in the morning and as soon as I get home from work and then stay close by during the evening while I watch TV. I look forward to seeing what my friends around the country are up to.

I've got 2 jobs .....I work for the government and I guide...I have done 2 bass shows (Richmond & Chantilly, VA)last month,

I worked the BPS Spring show last weekend,

will be at the BPS in Hampton, VA next Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun.

I have a guide trip next saturday,

and an exhibition at Dick's Sporting Goods Sunday, ...... need a lesson in time management??

I don't need no steenkin hobby!!LOL

{sniff} life.....{sniff} hobbies.....{sniff) outside interests.....{sniff}

.....just me and this old computer.....{sniff}

.....and you had the nerve to ask if it could get any worse.....{sniff} just wait until you're over 40, Beezer.....

(IF you make it to 19 asking such questions! LOL!!)
Hey me!, have you found you one of them ol' J. O. B.'s yet?

BJ - I've got a sweet job! I'm a manager with IBM and work from home full-time!!! So I spend my DAYS/WeeKS/YEARS staring at this 17inch screen! so checking the site a few times an hour along with instant messaging my 13 staff and 30+ contractors, emails, conference calls and "paper"work i'm up to 3573 posts!!! LOL
Wow trep....thats a lot of typing and a lot of hours staring at this little screen. Does it ever get old? I mean looking at this site never gets old cause.....well it just doesnt with such a diversified amount of people that stop in around here.

Ok, well i guess i kinda set myself up for that...get hobby and job...ya ya ya....well I got to go study for finals....Algebra II tomorrow...


Don't learn to draw,....doesn't pay self satisfaction, rewards, feedback or kudo' time to do anything except meet's a helluva way to spend your spare time.

...and i don't want the competition!! LOL!!

Travis -I spent 12 years working long hours in programing, design and consulting in software and project management. I spent 4 years on the road 5 days/week building a client base and selling/implementing software and business processes to fortune 500 clients, and got LUCKY enough that one of my old bosses joined IBM and kept offering me a job every year till he had the right one!

Looking at the screen does get old sometimes, thats why I look at my window onto the 100 acre woods, take breaks to play with my kids or have lunch at school, and I REALY enjoy my work!

Dave - I had to STEAL this monitor 3 1/2 years ago from an empty IBM office in town. They now give you a Laptop and thats IT if you are not in a real office! We also have a 4 year refresh cycle so i am lucky my PC is only 1.5 years old due to my older one dying!

Tex - this from a guy who worked with me at GTE!!!! LOL Look at how much he FISHES vs. Trep!!!

It is realy up/down on hours, lately since October when I took over a new group/customer i've been working most evening and weekends with little free time. Let's just say I an very happy with my work, i never thought when I got out of school that i'd make this kind of $$ working from home! It makes a work/life balance much easier to accomplish!

Sounds nice Trepper. So how much time in the Summer do you have for fishing?

Heck BJ..I thought BS'ing on this board WAS my hobby;)

Travis - like any job the hours depend on the customer and the demand. I unless i have conference calls with my team, contractors, customers or bosses, I am very flexible. I can fish in the morning and start work at 10am if I want, or kick off early in the afternoon. If I have meetings in the evenings with Japan I usualy cut out early and take my kids to sports or dinner. It realy is a great job, a lot of pressure (don't let Tex make it sound too easy) and responsility. I manage a $15-20 million budget, have anywhere from 10-20 direct reports, plus a few managers working for me and a bunch of contractors. My performance is measure on delivering on-time, on-budget and meeting customer expectations. If me or my team can do that at different hours, it works. I have folks who have to work some weekends deploying production software and they take time off during the week to be with their familys.

Heck i'll be working on the way to the rally, doing a conf. call with my customers from the US and Europe while I drive.

But it took good grades in HS, very good grades in College and a lot of time/effort at the right jobs to build the skills that IBM finds valuable. I have worked for 6 other companies in the last 15 years, one other (GTE) allowed me to work/manage from home.

what's MOST important is studying and working hard for something YOU enjoy, don't just do it for the $$ or the perks. My wife, a structural engineer, took a job that EVERYONE thought would be perfect. She went from designing/building office buildings/docks to inspecting those things during construction. She had NO office, they gave her a Nextel phone/walkietalkie and a fax machine. Every morning she got a fax with the mornings schedule and off she headed in her Dodge Ram. No dress clothes, no BOSS telling you what to do, and they paid her mileage! she HATED IT!!! She is a VERY creative person and got bored very quickly telling the same constructions contractors where to fix their shoddy work! Not challenging enough for her.

So, study hard, try different things and find something that YOU love and can get paid for - Trep

PS - It also takes a certain kind of personality to work from home. I hired a young technical guy from GTE in Tampa when I joined IBM. I gave him a $10k increase in salary, paid for his home office furniture and set him up with all the technolgy. He lasted 6 months and quit to go back to his old job at his old salary. He was single and with no "work" friends to see all day, he felt lonely and not realy "part of a team". For me, my family is my touchpoint, I see my team maybe 1-2 times a year. Heck in my last IBM job I didn't see my boss or my employees' for the first 6 months on the job. Becareful what you wish for!!!
Trep and I have know each other for awhile, so we pick at each other all the time. I'm just envious of his position/job. He's envious that I'll be retired in 10 years (fishing alot), and he'll still be working.

Trep and I do similar jobs, just that his 'scope' is bigger than mine, and I don't get to work from home. Our analysis on 'balance of home/work life' is this:

Home is where you go to change clothes and possibly get some sleep. Unless of course they need us here for something else.

What are Polynominals or however you spell them?

Trep: Sounds liek you like your job very much and thats good.


Tex - Lately "ain't that the truth!!!" It kills me to walk by the Tracker in the garage EVERY morning while I load up the wife/kids for school!! Hopefuly by April things will be working smoother here and I can free up some FISHING time!!

you'll see some of us kind of drift away at times during warm weather months, busy fishing, etc. But during the long wait from mid November to about April 1st, I'm usually checking in about every day here........ now go get that job! just kiddin'..... egMike