Gas Spill on Carpet

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Eric Doornkaat

New Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
I recently spilled some gasoline on my carpet. Does anyone know a good "home remedy" or good way to remove the gas/odor/fumes from the carpet. I would truely appreciate this!
Agree with Tox, mostly get as much water on the spot as possible to flush all the gas out. The main concern is the gasoline will disolve the rubber binder and you'll start loosing pile. Kind of like what's been going on on the back of my head for the last couple of years.;)

A match or a lighter would take care of the spot very nicely.

Of couse, it would take care of the whole boat, but are you really going to be that picky about it?

LOL ... I couldn't resist.


--Legal disclaimer--- This was only a joke. It was not intended to be taken seriously. Anyone who would use an open flame to remove a gasoline spot would probably vote for Hillary, Schumer, Boxer or Kennedy, who by the way, loves drives by the lake.

--Legal disclaimer for the disclaimer-- All of the above was intended as a joke. If you took offense to any thing mentioned above...too bad. Search the internet and download the video of W holding hands with the Saudi dude and laugh your tail off. That should get you over it.