Fuel Pick up Tube Location - Engine Bogging Down

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
OK - I'm a real dummy. Just going through everything on my problem to isolate all the things I can before I take it to the shop. I have replaced the fuel filter, new gas lines, primer bulb, plugs etc and read Jim Cs comment about the fuel pick up tube being clogged. I have search high and low on the internet to find out what it looks like and particularly where it is located. I have a 50 gallon tank with a number of connectors going into the tank. I don't want to undo things that are unnecessary so my question is - I have a large three inch fitting on the top of the tank which I believe is where the sending unit for the gas gauge is and I have the 90 degree elbow that the fuel line is attached to. Which one holds the pick up tube? I would like to pull it and see if I have a problem with debris. Help, as always is appreciated.

Your pickup should be inserted at the base of your 90 deg. elbow. Disconnect the fuel line hose clamps. Take note of the depth of thread on elbow to tank bushing. (When finished, you'll want the pickup in a similar location.) Unscrew elbow from tank bushing and a long skinny pickup tube should slide out the bushing hole with elbow. Usually there is a screen or debris filter incorporated and can hang on bushing edge when removing. Be very careful to slide out complete. You do not want the screen or pieces rolling around in your tank. Check screen and reinstall with teflon tape/pipe dope. Good luck.
Dan - Thanks! I had a feeling that was were it was but didn't want to pull something that I didn't need to. Will go out now and see what I can find. Appreciate the help!!!!
Glad to help. You should really consider running a tank with Quickleen. It can make a world of difference, cleaning from the inside. It has cured the problem you've described many times. Good luck.
Dan - Pulled the unit (thanks) and there is NO debris at all. Nice and clean. Blew through from the bottom of the pick up tube and the valve seems to work OK and stays closed if I blow through from the top. I have run Quickleen (or a samilar product) and it hasn't done anything (yet). Now looking at fuel pump (hole in diaphram?) or possibly carbs (carbureted engine). I am a little leary of pulling the cover off the carbs and spraying with carb cleaner. Any other thoughts??????

im not 100% sure what you haver going on since i didnt see all the symptoms posted. Just that its bogging, im assuming that is on take off?

I would look at a few things. one would be the fuel pump like you mentioned. I had to rebuild mine on my 150 xr6 before and its not very hard to do. When mine went bad it really ran like crap and bogged on take off unless i pumped up the ball just beofre i took off. once going it was fine. The kit cost around 15 dollars. The only special tool you need is a torque wrench that reads in inch pounds. The rubber inside of them just gets really stretched out and they dont pump well. The good news is its an easy job and cheap to do.

You could also have a stuck float on one of the carbs. If oyu take off the carb cover you can lightly tap the bottom or side of eash carb's fload bowl with a screwdriver handle to free it up.

Another thing you may want to look at is the vent on the fuel tank. Make sure its clear. I had a bee build a nest in mine onie when i had my champion and it caused the engine to not be able to pck up any fuel at all. I have no idea how that little bee got in there but he did.

Ditto Jim B. Check for any vacuum leaks also throughout entire fuel delivery system. They really will impact under load. Make sure all the fittings and connections are tight, none sucking air or dry rot on hoses. Other than what's been previously suggested, it could be a slight misalignment in the synch-and-link, gummed up carb(s), split/broken reed(s), or possibly an electrical fault. (Stator/power pack) For those situations I would strongly suggest a Merc shop. Good luck.

sounds like you tried alot, it might be time for a professional to take a look, chip at harbin marine is my choice to take it to, hes a certified master merc mech, it a bit of a drive, hes off rt 1 near belvoir, but he is the best i have seen work on these engines,

at some point you hit a wall and startt risking damage, take it in before you hit that point.

mike c
My dad just had this problem last year and it was water in the gas, all the stuff was replaced and carbs were cleaned, still had the problem, finally drained the gas and put on a water filter, fixed the prob.
I had trouble with mine last year and the beginning of this year. 200 Xr6 Mine needed the timing adjusted. It would stall if I tried to push it up on the trailer. It was sluggish out of the hole too and with a large guy with me had a hard time planing.

Bill - second what mike c. said. Might be time to take it in. Had great luck with the guys at Sturgeon Creek Marina. Not only did I have the fuel pick up clogged cleared, he re-synched the carbs and adjusted the timing. Had the engine running this past weekend and it didn't miss a beat. Sorry not to be of more help.

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