Fuel/Ethanol Issues

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Tom Woodruff

May 25, 2004
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Was just advised by dealers service dept to dump the fuel in the 901 that was in it since last Oct, it was treated with Stabil, tank was full (57 gal) and it was stored inside at approx 70 degrees all winter. When tested it showed it was stale and had some water in it. One of our bass club members just paid $4,500.00 to have his 200 Yammie rebuilt for what the mechanic felt was due to a breakdown of his fuel - he stored it about 1/2 full,

treated with Stabil but it was not stored in a temperature controlled environment. In his

case it locked up on his 1st trip out this season - sparkplugs were actually melted! The current issue of Bass Times has a 2 page article talking about all the problems related to ethanol in marine use and the potential result. Biggest problem I'm finding is where

to find gas without ethanol, some marinas in the area have it but not all. One other word of caution if you choose to remove the existing fuel - find someone who wants to put it in their tractor, truck or something, the cost for having it disposed of "properly" is $ 7.50 per gallon in the KC area.
Thanks for the tip. I cant imagine not being able to fish year round? We do here in kalifornee!
Ethanol can also cause problems in some old tanks made of fiberglass. Don't know of any bass boats with fiberglass tanks, but I have heard some older cruisers have had tanks breakdown from the alcohol.
I try to only buy what I will use in a few weeks and keep fresh gas in her. There is one place I know of that is not local that I can get ethanol free gas, but it is inconvenient. I don't fish quite as much in the dead of winter, so I will go out of my way and keep Stabil in it. I hear E-15 could be around the corner. Write your congressman. Wait, that never does any good....they are all nuts now and are not accountable any more.
There is no way you are going to get away from Ethanol...period. You may today but tomorrow or the next day when you need fuel you won't be able to find it so just prepare. Just make sure it is e-10 and not any higher. Use additives, for my 2000 Merc 225 efi, I use in rotation, Quickleen & Merc Fuel treatment and stabilizer. I've been running the ethanol for most of the life of this engine and I can tell you that it is still on the ORIGINAL plugs and runs great. Don't fill up and leave it sit even with the treatments, ethanol is a water magnet and once it has experienced Phase Separation (google it) there is no remedy, you have to drain and refuel. Make sure you have a good water separator/filter and change it annually. That's all you can do and make sure you buy from a high volume gas station because that is where 99% of the water will come from.

This is from another boating website I frequent:

NMMA needs your help today to prevent EPA from increasing the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline. Please take a moment to read this alert and take action.

On March 6, 2009, a new pro-ethanol lobbying organization called Growth Energy and 54 ethanol manufacturers formally requested that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) increase ethanol blend levels in gasoline up to 15 percent (E15). As is required by law, EPA on April 21 published a Notice for Comment in the Federal Register, beginning a 30-day public comment period that closes on May 21, 2009.

Ethanol Advocates are mobilizing their forces to submit 20,000 favorable comments to EPA requesting that the Agency grant a waiver for E15.

Let's beat them at their own game. There are 18 million boats currently in operation in the U.S., and none of them has been designed, certified or warranted to run on anything above E10, the current maximum legal blend level. Boaters know very well that increased ethanol blends will cause performance problems with their boats and engines, increase maintenance costs, potentially pose safety risks and increase air pollution.

And yet, neither EPA nor any other federal agency has done a single test on the impacts of E15 on marine engines, fuel systems, or components. Marine engines and fuel systems are not designed, calibrated or certified to run on anything above 10 percent ethanol. We ask you to support a science first approach and urge EPA to deny the ethanol industry's E15 waiver request unless and until independent and comprehensive scientific testing is completed on a full range of marine engines and other products.

CLICK HERE: http://capwiz.com/nmma/issues/...ction


Thats great info and i think everyone shuld go there and fill out that petition.

there were enough problems that stemmed from E10 in marine engines. I dont think its really proven anything in cars either since it lowers the milage that they get. I would love to see a studt on how much emmissions it really reduces. I know for a fact that my truck gets close to 2mpg less running the e10 fuel they it does on straight gas. I would think that that reduced milage may actually lead to more emissions not less as they would have you believe.

Here is a full copy of the link Mini posted. I tried to cut and paste the one he had and it didnt work..
About getting rid of old gas...If you change your own oil in your vehicles...you can mix

in the stale gas that you have removed from...whatever. The oil recyclers will not know

or even care that gas is mixed in with the old oil.
There's a VERY GOOD article in this month's BASS TIMES about this whole fuel/ethanol debate....their source was a marine mechanic who "fixes" outboards all the time that have been tortured with ethanol.

to paraphrase his recommendations.....don't use it at all if possible,...if you have no choice, add octane additives recommended by your motor's mfgr at least in every other full tank......and don't let any gas with more than 15% ethanol anywhere near your boat!!
I just bought the NEW Stabil for Ethanol...hope it works:unsure:
Started thinking about this today. I haven't used my boat nearly as much as I'd like to this year, and some of the gas in that tank has been around for a while. So I decided to drain my tank too. Offered up "free gas" on Craigslist (explained that it was old) and found a guy that wants it to get rid of brush on his ranch - and he has his own drum and pump. He's coming over today to completely drain the boat tank.

All the best,

Well, Triton has some kind of anti siphon device on the fuel fill, so it took us about 2 hours to do it through the hose to the engine. It's empty now but will refuel with fresh fuel tomorrow.

All the best,

Whew! She ran good this weekend! 20 gallons of Fresh fuel, added Quick Clean as well as Fuel Stabilizer and Treatment. Should be good to go now. My boat ran excellent on Sunday.

All the best,
