Forward compartment leak

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New Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Not sure if this would be considered a dealer service issue, yet! It is a minor problem but a problem just the same. When I purchased the boat in April the tech who prepped the boat went over the boat with me. When doing so he made a comment about letting them know if I ever head a problem with water in the forward storage compartment. That they had heard of it and would want to contact Tracker if I had any issues.

I never gave it much thought until the other day when I had returned from a trip and before I had time to cover the boat a storm came up and it rained hard for about a half an hour. Afterwards I had about two inches of water in the bottom of the compartment.

I called the dealer first, they were very vague about what if anything they could do, but to make an appointment to bring it in. I live about twenty minutes from the dealer and was fishing near there so I figured I would stop in and talk to at least the tech in person to see if they could tell what the fix would be and how long it would take.

I basically figured a drain would need to be installed, to my surprise they had no firm answer and was told "i" would need to contact Tracker to see what and if it would be covered! ?

I wouldnt think since it was under warranty that it would be me responsibilty to contact Tracker ?

Would like to know if anyone else has had similar problems and what my options are with either Tracker and or the dealer where I purchased it. And what is the best way to contact Tracker direct?

Thanks for your anticipated help!

Tim, Your dealer should be the person to contact Tracker. They don't really advertise water proof compartments but I do agree that they should be. It is really kind of a gray area even with alot of boat manufactures. Good luck and please let the dealer handle it. If you don't get satisfaction from the dealer then go other ways.
Just a tip but if you have perko locks, they will let water in if they are not in the locked position with the handle flipped over. when in the open position the lock lets water in.;) All of the compartments in my 929 had drains with plastic inserts. they would occasionally get clogged up.

Thanks for the info back. My compartment has no latches or locks. It just closes on a carpeted opening. There are other compartments on the boat but I have had no issues with them. The front seat pedestal does have its base directly over the compartment though. After thinking about it , that may be a source for the water. I guess one of my biggest issues with the situation is the fact that the dealer that I purchased the boat from is suggesting that I contact Tracker!

I dont Have a problem doing that, but considering the boat is under warranty and any kind of dealer covered work performed would be through where I purchased the boat I don't understand why it is my responsibility to contact Tracker? I will have to see if there are any other authorized dealers in my area, considering at the end of the year I will have to get the necessary required maintenance performed. Just not sure if I am dealing with the right dealer for that or any future warranty repairs.

I believe I am capable enough to install some kind of drain in the compartment, I just don't want to do something that Tracker may have an issue with later. I guess I will have to contact Tracker this week just to cover my butt and to see who the next closet dealer is!
That compartment is not a water-tight seal. The Dealer should have told you this from the get-go. Calling Tracker is their responsibility, not need to though, there really isn't anything wrong. :rolleyes: